Bogdan Crivat
CVP, Azure Data Analytics. Working on a few analytics products.
ID: 176969336
10-08-2010 22:44:58
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Wojciech Jakubowski Justyna Lucznik Native Execution Engine is based on two key OSS components - Velox github.com/facebookincuba… and Gluten github.com/apache/incubat…. Spark Engine has been replaced by Velox - a C++ vectorized database acceleration library aimed to optimizing query engines and data processing systems.

Estera Kot unpacks what the #native executive engine for #spark is all about, how it builds on #OSS projects - #Velox and #Gluten and what innovations we contributed back to open source. 💡 Don't miss this one #microsoftfabric blog.fabric.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/pub…

We'll kick off the Fabric Python Notebook private preview soon! If you are interested with joining the private preview, feel free to send an email with your name, company, region and tenantID to me ([email protected]), looking forward to hearing from you! #MicrosoftFabric

Did you know that #DataWarangler in #MicrosoftFabric Notebooks supports Spark dataframes? 🤩Watch this #FabricEspresso episode with Estera Kot and Eren Orbey to learn more!

Nellie Gustafsson on stage #FabConEurope explaining AI skills in #MicrosoftFabric. So easy to use. You should definitely try it out.

Amazing session on #ai and #datascience with Nellie Gustafsson and Markus Weimer (yes we are letting our engineer managers co-present with our PMs these days 😅) #fabcon #msfabric #aiskill

Santhosh Kumar Ravindran and Ashit diving deep into #Spark and how to go from a proof of concept to your enterprise deployment #dataengineering #msfabric #fabconeurope