Brian Noehren
Passionate clinician scientist, father, husband, and runner of slow ultramarathons
ID: 1660170114
10-08-2013 14:05:43
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Great job Ben Brightwell bringing the labs trauma research to #csm! Important working showing the role of pain self efficacy in predicting quad and plantar flexor function s/p LE fracture!

Fantastic talk Nick Thomas at the UF Advances in Skeletal Muscle Biology meeting! UKY Center for Muscle Biology

Brian Noehren women with #pfp experience pain through larger excursion range flexion angles in concentric than eccentric movements. Eccentric 76-86, concentric 70-40 degrees. #ipfrr23

I am so incredibly happy to see the super talented Megan Graham PT, DPT, SCS from our lab receive a PODS I scholarship from Foundation4PT! You are doing such great work, keep it up!!!!

Brian Noehren and colleagues looked into factors associated with quadriceps performance after lower extremity factors in this newly accepted work in PTJ: Journal of APTA: academic.oup.com/ptj/advance-ar…

Hey all, I hope everyone can come out and see some of the awesome work being done by the Biomotion lab at CSM!!! Megan Graham PT, DPT, SCS Emily Sagstetter #csm2024 -

Happy Monday! Our new paper Sex Differences in Quadriceps Atrophy After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear is out! Great work from Dr. Meredith Owen PhD Meredith Owen and a great team from Orthopedics darrenjohnsonmd and physiology Christopher Fry journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/19…

Awesome job Megan Graham PT, DPT, SCS !

Congrats to McKenzie White for her first paper from the lab examining the effects of sampling rate and filtering on rate of torque development and steadiness! Open access at mdpi.com/2852144