B'nai B'rith UK
Proud to be in HydePark now remembering the dead & hostages of the October7 killraid by Hamas remembering grieving for many innocents suffering & killed in Gaza Lebanon Israel w a big crowd Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis Simon Schama @BoDpres Tracy-Ann Oberman ably presiding. Shalom & shana tova to all
On behalf of Board of Deputies of British Jews, I visited Israel in the UK 🇮🇱🤝🇬🇧 and Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely to share my condolences in the Book of Reflection on this anniversary of 7/10. Our hearts ache with Israel. We stand for the hostages and the peace and security the region craves. 🎗️עם ישראל חי!
1/2 A year ago today, our world changed. More than 20,000 British Jews and their allies packed into Hyde Park yesterday to honour the 1200 Israelis murdered on 7th October, in one of the largest expressions of solidarity with Israel during the last year. As Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis said ...
2/2 ... “We are a nation which shall forever have hope.” Everyone at B'nai B'rith UK mourns deeply the loss of those who were murdered on 7th October and we pray for the immediate and safe release of the 101 hostages who are still living in hell.
1/3 Last night, Geoffrey Corn geoffrey s. corn, George R Killam, Jr., Chair of Criminal Law & Director of the Centre for Military Law & Policy at Texas Tech University School of Law, spoke to members and friends of B'nai B'rith UK on 'How #InternationalLaw Frames Attack Decisions in War".