Bize Pierre
evolutionary biologist interested in evolution of animal life histories, ageing, mitochondria telomeres uncoupling birds behaviour
ID: 1050006298195058688
10-10-2018 12:53:04
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201 Following

The Swift population in the UK is rapidly declining. I've just signed a petition calling on Kit Malthouse MP to get Swift bricks in all new homes. Please sign & RT. you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/save… via 38 Degrees

We’re hiring! School of Biological Sciences is recruiting EIGHT tenure track research fellowships and SIX lectureships/senior lectureships in areas including functional genomics, marine biology, biogeochemistry, conservation and aquaculture. Details at tinyurl.com/yxjz3rpl Come and join us! RT

Great day out with students observing seals at #ythan #natureonourdoorstep School of Biological Sciences

Havn't read our special issue yet Frontiers - Ecology & Evolution about the Links Between Cognition and Fitness?? Well, you should ! Numerous GREAT contributions, from birds, mice, lizards, fish to hyenas; reviews, opinion pieces and experimental work! And it's for FREE! urlz.fr/e4OH

Finally out in Biology Letters Royal Society Publishing: Born to be young? Prenatal thyroid hormones increase early-life telomere length in wild collared flycatchers doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2… Huge thanks to Suvi Ruuskanen Bin-Yan Hsu Bize Pierre et al., & @TCSM_UTU Turun yliopisto - University of Turku @IBAHCM

Excited to announce another PhD opportunity in my group! Highlights: it’s on invasion ecology of Asian hornets and harlequin ladybirds 🐞 and wonderful co-supervisory team with Greta Bocedi Helen Roy QUADRAT School of Biological Sciences Details here findaphd.com/phds/project/q…

Listen to the birds: the illegal diet pill DNP might kill you on the long run DNP reduces lifespan by 20%, just published in Comp. Biochem. Physiol. (Elsevier Biomedchem) doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpc… Bize Pierre François Criscuolo IPHC Strasbourg Turun yliopisto - University of Turku @IBAHCM @TCSM_UTU

PLEASE RT: Interested by #ageing, #ecology & #evolution? Eager to learn new skills in #fieldwork, #molecular biology and #statistics? Here is a great opportunity for your new #phdlife with Bize Pierre Fabio Manfredini Karen Spencer Eastbio DTP Deadline 6 Jan 2021