Bishop Robert Barron
Bishop of Diocese of Winona-Rochester (MN); founder of @WordOnFire; host of CATHOLICISM series.
ID: 54277123
http://www.wordonfire.org 06-07-2009 17:48:23
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.Ben Shapiro, Spencer A. Klavan, Jonathan Pageau, Bishop Robert Barron and Dr Jordan B Peterson come together to discuss the war on the West, the direct impact of postmodernism on our present day, and why understanding our past and where we came from is necessary to our survival.

The five participants in Foundations of the West together for the final episode dailywire.com/episode/sympos… Jonathan Pageau Bishop Robert Barron Spencer A. Klavan Ben Shapiro Thanks to DailyWire+ for making this possible

Friends, in medieval times, the church was at the center of the town—the high point that draws all things together. What is at the center of our towns now? Is society better for it? My friend Jonathan Pageau reflects on this change in this clip from “Bishop Barron Presents.”

I so enjoyed filming “Foundations of the West,” this new documentary from DailyWire+. Here are some special behind the scenes photos. Dr Jordan B Peterson Ben Shapiro Jonathan Pageau Spencer A. Klavan Available now: on.wof.org/3MBbeZw

From episode 5 of “Foundations of the West.” Available now on DailyWire+: on.wof.org/3MBbeZw