Andrew Savinov
Biophysicist using single-molecule & high-throughput methods to interrogate sequence-structure-funct. K99 @MIT w/ @GeneWeiLiLab & Stan Fields; PhD: Steve Block.
ID: 1059564353475604480
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1dG_BbAAAAAJ&hl=en 05-11-2018 21:53:22
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Check out some exciting new work from Scott McCain here!

Elizabeth Villa (Elizabeth Villa, UCSD BioSciences), and colleagues, have unveiled the structure of the nuclear basket, key to how cells control what enters/exits the nucleus. This could reshape our understanding of gene expression & DNA organization. More: cell.com/cell/pdf/S0092…

My first postdoc paper is now in J. Am. Chem. Soc.! By incorporating SuFEx chemistry and protein engineering we covalently stabilized an 18-subunit protein-peptide complex, enhancing stability and homogeneity for high-precision applications like DNA sequencing. 1/9 pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ja…

High-throughput discovery of inhibitory protein fragments with AlphaFold Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 1/ This study introduces FragFold, a novel computational method that leverages AlphaFold for high-throughput predictions of protein fragment binding, enabling the discovery of inhibitory fragments

Check out Li lab postdoc Andrew Savinov's (Andrew Savinov) updated manuscript on our computational approach to predict inhibitory protein fragments at scale -- now complemented by extensive new deep mutational scanning experiments. MIT Biology MIT Science @HHMINews

So excited to announce that the Kappel Lab will open at UCLA UCLA Chem & Biochem in July 2025! We’ll combine high-throughput experiments and computation to build predictive sequence-structure-function models of RNA, proteins, and their interactions. More here: sites.google.com/view/kappellab/

Ever wonder how cells survive under starvation? During my postdoc in the Joey Davis @[email protected] , I designed a novel SILAC pulse labeling-qMS workflow to track proteome degradation under mTOR inhibition. Preprint here: doi.org/10.1101/2024.0… Curious about how cells adapt? Keep reading!