A global NGO focused on biodiversity conservation using genomics, starting with Caribbean signature species
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http://www.bioquest.world 18-11-2023 14:55:45
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Learn more about our plans to help protect this Critically Endangered (IUCN Red List of Ecosystems) species in partnership with BioQuest, Oxford Nanopore's Org.one, @bermudaculture, Bermuda National Trust, and Roche #Bermuda at wiseancestors.org/blog/conservin…. #ForNature #nanopore 2/10

IUCN Red List of Ecosystems BioQuest Oxford Nanopore Department of Culture Bermuda National Trust Roche As an Affiliated Project of the Earth BioGenome Project, @WiseAncestors Conservation Challenges will also contribute to the leading global #conservation genomics effort, dubbed “a moonshot for #biology,” to sequence all known plant, animal, & fungi species. wiseancestors.org/blog/conservin… 3/10

IUCN Red List of Ecosystems BioQuest Oxford Nanopore Department of Culture Bermuda National Trust Roche Earth BioGenome Project kandaswamy When completed, the #Bermuda Cedar will be one of the largest #genomes assembled and annotated using only Oxford Oxford Nanopore Technologies! #Scientists, #bioinformaticians, #laboratories, platforms, & #biobankers are encouraged to apply to help complete the technical aspects. 4/10

IUCN Red List of Ecosystems BioQuest Oxford Nanopore Department of Culture Bermuda National Trust Roche Earth BioGenome Project kandaswamy "Using only @Nanopore, we’re able to create a reference genome & develop a genetic test while keeping all sample & lab work local," Solenne Correard Scientific Director of Wise Ancestors said. Learn more & apply to participate at platform.wiseancestors.org. #ForNature 5/10

IUCN Red List of Ecosystems BioQuest Oxford Nanopore Department of Culture Bermuda National Trust Roche Earth BioGenome Project kandaswamy Solenne Correard “This project represents an incredible opportunity for #Bermuda, as it not only preserves a critical part of our ecosystem but showcases that advanced #genomics can be done locally with expertise," said Dr Carika Weldon, MRSB, FIBMS Co-founder and Director of Research BioQuest. 6/10

IUCN Red List of Ecosystems BioQuest Oxford Nanopore Department of Culture Bermuda National Trust Roche Earth BioGenome Project kandaswamy Solenne Correard Dr Carika Weldon, MRSB, FIBMS Myles Darrell, Head of Culture at Bermuda National Trust, said, “#Conservation work can often be depressing, but this work has generated optimism about the future.” Read his full comments as well as the press release at wiseancestors.org/blog/conservin…. #Bermuda #BermudaCedar Red List of Ecosystems 7/10

IUCN Red List of Ecosystems BioQuest Oxford Nanopore Department of Culture Bermuda National Trust Roche Earth BioGenome Project kandaswamy Solenne Correard Dr Carika Weldon, MRSB, FIBMS “This is a perfect use case of leveraging #genomics for #biodiversity #conservation, and our focus on supporting the protection and management of IUCN Red List of Ecosystems Species in the region," said John-Pierre Rouja, Executive Director of BioQuest. 8/10 wiseancestors.org/blog/conservin…

IUCN Red List of Ecosystems BioQuest Oxford Nanopore Department of Culture Bermuda National Trust Roche Earth BioGenome Project kandaswamy Solenne Correard Dr Carika Weldon, MRSB, FIBMS Dr. Kara Dicks of Oxford Nanopore's Org.one said, "This collaboration demonstrates ORG.one's mission to support conservation efforts with impactful #genomic data and showcases how such initiatives can benefit both conservation & local communities.” 9/10

IUCN Red List of Ecosystems BioQuest Oxford Nanopore Department of Culture Bermuda National Trust Roche Earth BioGenome Project kandaswamy Solenne Correard Dr Carika Weldon, MRSB, FIBMS Ms. LaRondie Harrell of Roche Bermuda said, "Dr. Dr Carika Weldon, MRSB, FIBMS's research not only plays a vital role in preserving our island’s unique environment but also showcases how local innovation can contribute to global environmental conservation efforts.” wiseancestors.org/blog/conservin… 10/10

🔍 It’s time to turn our focus back to Bermuda’s Cahows. CahowCams, provided by our partners at Nonsuch Expeditions, have been offering a unique view into their nesting seasons for the past 13 years!🐦🌊 nonsuchisland.com Nonsuch Expeditions #CahowCam