Bionic Vision Lab
What would the world look like with a bionic eye?
Interdisciplinary research group @ucsbcs/@UCSBPsych, PI: @ProfBeyeler
ID: 1109561898196844544
https://bionicvisionlab.org 23-03-2019 21:05:46
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We are #NowHiring a research software engineer in the Bionic Vision Lab! Help us rapidly prototype & iterate on innovative ideas (#AugmentedReality, #ComputerVision, #Robotics) to advance our #BionicEye research. 1 year, $52-65k. Apply by May 8: recruit.ap.ucsb.edu/JPF02741

At #ARVO2024? Join my student Byron Johnson as he gives an update on advances in #ExtendedReality (XR) for #LowVision and #BionicVision (Talk # 2824) Tue, May 7, 9:06 - 9:23 AM Session on virtual/augmented reality for low vision eppro02.ativ.me/appinfo.php?pa… bionicvisionlab.org/publications/2…

After a bit of drama behind the scenes (of the interview - it's meta drama!👻), our interview with Dr. Brian Burg is back up! How did it come to the acquisition of Pixium-Vision by Science Corporation? What will happen to the existing PRIMA patients? ➡️bionic-vision.org/research-spotl…

If you’re at VSS this week, come see my poster with Bionic Vision Lab today at Banyan Breezeway! VSS Meeting #VSS2024

Exciting news 99% confirmed by the VSS Meeting President: History has been made at #VSS2024! 🚀✨ Lucas Gil Nadolskis proudly took the stage as the first #blind researcher to present at VSS, detailing our Cortivis work on stimulus-selective activity in human V1 Equality In Science

Not a bad place to revisit Jacob Granley / Michael Beyeler’s HILO for visual prosthesis’ stimulus encoding paper 👌 shorturl.at/zRSoR

Bionic vision goes to the UK: Hear about current and next-gen #BionicEye technology from: - Dan Adams Neuralink - Eduardo Fernandez Instituto de Bioingeniería - Xing Chen Pitt Ophthalmology Research - Yağmur Güçlütürk Radboud University @[email protected] Oct 3-6 in York UK: osafallvisionmeeting.org/2024-meeting/p…

I'm thrilled to announce the first PhD graduates from the Bionic Vision Lab: - Justin Kasowski (DYNS): Founder & CEO at RealmVR - Aiwen Xu (UCSB Computer Science Department): Joining Snowflake this summer It's been a pleasure working with you, and I can't wait to see your future achievements!

It's a joy to see our talented students recognized. This year, 3 students from the Bionic Vision Lab earned departmental & college-wide awards UC Santa Barbara: Galen Pogoncheff: Outstanding TA Award, UCSB Computer Science Department Galen is working on AI alignment & is currently interning with Reality Labs at Meta

Tori LeVier Tori LeVier: - Colville-Dearborn Memorial Award, College of Letters & Science - Morgan Award for Research Promise, UCSB Psychological and Brain Sciences Tori's a force of nature & we'll miss her dearly!! Can't wait to see all the things she'll achieve in M.J. Crockett's lab Psychology@Princeton

Ivy Wang: Outstanding Senior Award, UC Santa Barbara's College of Engineering Academia (like this post) often highlights our successes, but we must remember the struggles behind them. Ivy exemplifies the grit & perseverance needed to push through adversity as she earned Distinction in the Major UCSB Computer Science Department

Yuchen Hou presenting at EMBC '24 in Orlando, FL (IEEE Engineering Medicine and Biology Society IEEE): We introduce two models that can predict phosphene fading & persistence under varying stimulus conditions, cross-validated on behavioral data reported by 9 Argus II users. Preprint: bionicvisionlab.org/publications/2…

Last chance to submit an abstract to this year’s Optica Publishing Group Fall Vision Meeting! Abstract submission closes tomorrow (no deadline extension): osafallvisionmeeting.org/2024-meeting/s… #Vision #VisionResearch #Cognition #Perception #Neuroscience

Just found out we made it into Mail+! Except they "borrowed" a slide of mine and National Library of Medicine footage w/ Jason Esterhuizen, crediting it to SecondSight & calling it Nintendo-like graphics as Elon Musk said🤣Neuralink must deal with this all the time... dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/ar…

Are you looking for an #AcademicJob in low/ultra-low or bionic vision? Perhaps a #PhD or #postdoc position with prominent leaders in the field, such as Pieter Roelfsema, Arathy Kartha PhD, Diego Ghezzi, Jim Weiland or Gislin Dagnelie? Look no further! bionic-vision.org/jobs