Bing Liu
filmmaker @mindinggapfilm
ID: 1034664518402678789
29-08-2018 04:50:19
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Still shook this is happening. Yesterday Criterion Collection announced they’re releasing Minding the Gap on DVD. Pre-orders at link below.

Now on Blu-ray and DVD, our edition includes: new audio commentary; interviews with the cast and crew; new programs featuring interviews with Tony Hawk and with Bing Liu, Gordon Quinn, and Diane Quon; outtake scenes; a short film by Liu; an essay by kang; and more!

PLS DONATE TODAY AND SHARE: this #Atlanta victims fund closes SUNDAY/TOMORROW AdvancingJusticeATL is one of the main established Asian American community orgs in Atlanta who have been in direct contact w the families #StopAsianHate bit.ly/DonateToGeorgi…

.Christopher Llewellyn Reed and @AVFilms24 tell you "What to See at #Tribeca2021" filmfestivaltoday.com/fft-festival-c… Tribeca Choices include: Bing Liu and Joshua Altman's #AllTheseSons Nalin Pan's #LastFilmShow hannah marks' "Mark, Mary & Some Other People" @joshruben's #WerewolvesWithin

.Tribeca Film Festival begins today! We are proud to co-host six screenings of films by Firelight-supported and -affiliated filmmakers including CJ Hunt, #JessicaKingdon, Jamila Wignot, Bing Liu, Michèle Stephenson & #VeeBravo. #Tribeca2021 Details ⬇️ firelightmedia.medium.com/firelight-medi…

All These Sons premieres at Tribeca Film Fest 6/12 w/ q&a and is available to stream 6/13-6/20. Drive-in premiere in Chicago 6/18 doc10filmfest w/ q&a.

I'll be in Chicago 10/10 at Chicago Humanities with @kylebeachy for a conversation about his new book The Most Fun Thing. Come through! Tix & info: atchf.org/beachy

Gun violence is preventable, but it requires courageous leadership. Join us for our Choosing Courage virtual event tomorrow with Senator Dick Durbin Shannon Watts Moms Demand Action LIFE Camp, Inc. Equimundo National Association of School Psychologists Teachers Unify To End Gun Violence Bing Liu and Karen Walrond. fb.me/e/3MivTgIze

That’s a wrap on the #GMM workshop in Kathmandu! Thirteen filmmakers learned about documentary storytelling from US mentors Bing Liu and Ramona Ramona Diaz, which included a screening of #Bing’s film, Minding the Gap. In partnership with U.S. Embassy Nepal and Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival! #GlobalMM