I was behind this guy on a 2 lane highway and he had his right blinker on but didn't exit. Whatever, he forgot it was on. Then he switched to the left lane and LEFT HIS LEFT BLINKER ON. Is this just how this dude drives all the time??
It's wild that Trent McDuffie didn't make the NFL 100. He's one of the 4 or 5 best players the Chiefs have and easily one of the best corners in the league.
I've been using wireless headphones for maybe 10 years and it seems impossible to believe that I used corded headphones for most of my life. A cord going from my ears to my phone/iPod?? Insane.
One of the funniest parts of sports is the pervasive beliefs that training staff have the ability to prevent a tendon from snapping in a player. Injuries just happen, it's your ape brain looking for a pattern.
My phone updated and now has the option to auto delete screenshots after I share them and it's the best technological advancement since the forward facing camera
More evidence to my opinion that Collinsworth is the GOAT analyst. He can be annoying at times but no one consistently adds more unique insight to a broadcast than him.
Saleh hired Nathaniel Hackett as OC because Rodgers told him to and it ended up getting him fired because the offense was so bad. What a completely predictable turn of events.
"Evacuate" is just a thing officials say with no plan to make it happen. It is impossible to evacuate a city in 2 days. No transit system in the world could accommodate that much traffic. 200 miles of bumper to bumper traffic and every gas station is out. I get why people stay.
Something I respect about Russell Wilson is he figured out that nobody - including NFL coaches - actually watches all the games so you must protect your stats at all cost.
I've always thought it's weird to blame coaches for players not executing the plays they call.
"But he's not used to carrying the ball!"
That's what practice is for. Why do anything surprising then if you have to assume the players will fuck it up?
i think it's good to let go of the ball early as you cross the goal line. i just think it makes you look cool and the potential payoff of getting away with it is totally worth it. wish players would do it more