Bernard-Henri Lévy
Ecrivain, philosophe. Official account created by L. Lazar & managed by ALBK.
ID: 46479088
https://amzn.to/3I2bxud 11-06-2009 20:16:05
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Thanks Jake Tapper. You are doing such a great job. Thanks to you & your team, thanks to your commitment to truth, thanks to your relentless concern for the hostages, #Israel is a little less alone.

My pleasure, Ellen Germain. Being Special Envoy of Pr Biden on Holocaust issues is so crucial now. Our discussion on the right of #Israël, non only to defend itself, but to win was productive. Same on #Hamas, #Hezbollah & #Iran narratives. And same on the unprecedented wave of

The French Embassy in Washington, D.C. and B’nai B’rith and co-hosted a luncheon featuring renowned French author Bernard-Henri Lévy. Members of the Washington diplomatic corps were in attendance. Bernard-Henri Lévy is the author of “Israel Alone,” a new book that explores global responses