Habene Betty
Youth advocate for rights of girls and young women, SRH, climate change governance and social accountability.
I am passionate about community service.
ID: 1532240133889597441
02-06-2022 05:58:35
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Trees are sources of food, energy, herbal medicines, firewood, and many others. If not protected, it affects the health and livelhood of the population. MUCOBADI Uganda green warriors Bugiri She leads GYW Voice.. Let's conserve our environments to have a peaceful Uganda. Juliet. K. Mubi auma oliva
Stand with survivors of GBV to create an enabling environment for them safer campuses campaign Uganda Bugiri She leads GYW Voice. Girl Up Uganda Global Learning for Sustainability(GLS) Naluwende Edith Grace TdH-NL Africa 🧡 SheLeadsGov TMF Idiwa Ministry of Education and Sports - Uganda
Enforcement of equal rights for persons with disabilies to end GBV safer campuses campaign Uganda MUCOBADI Bugiri She leads GYW Voice. Girl Up Uganda Global Learning for Sustainability(GLS) Naluwende Edith Grace TdH-NL Africa 🧡 SheLeadsGov TMF Idiwa Ministry of Education and Sports - Uganda
Create safe campuses and environments for everyone. It's our collective responsibility. Bugiri She leads GYW Voice. safer campuses campaign Uganda MUCOBADI Makerere University Jinja campus Makerere University kagoya Resty Ashanut Grace Paul Mudoba
Join the movement towards a safer campuses campaign Uganda Say NO to GBV. Report incidents, support survivors, and promote consent. Together, let's create an inclusive & respectful environment for ALL students.Young People Today UNESCO 🏛️ #Education #Sciences #Culture 🇺🇳 UNFPA UNAIDS Global O3 Plus Ndejje University MUCOBADI Bugiri She leads GYW Voice.
Women empowerment is key for community development. They need information and mentorship to make informed decisions in their lives. Bugiri She leads GYW Voice. MUCOBADI Trailblazers Uganda Youth Advocacy and Development Network Kevin Nabukalu FEMNET Muthoki Nzioka Paul Mudoba John Baguma Amootie Ashanut Grace
What's your Pledge? "We (especially we men) must stand firm against GBV. We must protect our mothers, our sisters, our daughters, and our wives, so that they can be able to more meaningfully contribute to the development of our country." Barnabas Nawangwe, VC Makerere University.
As we gear up for this year's #InternationalDayOfTheGirl. Our staff, partners, girls and women have joined the Minister of Gender, Labour & Social Development Hon Betty Amongi to launch the THE STATE OF THE WORLD GIRLS REPORT; #UniteForPeace #IDG2024
The O3 plus piloting universities match to the freedom square Makerere University Makerere University GMD to launch the safer campuses campaign in Uganda. #safercampusescampaign #BreakingtheSilence #UNESCOROSA #yptcampaign Young People Today
Set a reminder for my upcoming Space! x.com/i/spaces/1zqJV… Bugiri She leads GYW Voice. Girl Up Uganda Idiwa TMF Global Learning for Sustainability(GLS) Terre des Hommes She Leads Advocacy Network Youth Advocacy and Development Network MUCOBADI FEMNET O3 Plus Ndejje University Q-PLAN INTERNATIONAL Namakula Gloria Habene Betty Lyndah Ngelecha Local Sustainable Communities Org (LOSCO) Muhumuza Livingston
Two hours to our exciting dialogue. We look forward to learning and sharing experiences of young women in political leadership. Register here👉 : shorturl.at/IZMIw #PoliticallyWoke #SheLeads GIMAC Network Plan International African Union LO
My history and past can't determine my presence and future. I am determined to shape my presence and future. The theme for this year's international day of the girl child is "Girl's vision for the future". #idgc Youth Advocacy and Development Network FEMNET MUCOBADI Trailblazers Uganda Girl Up Uganda