BETA CAE Systems
BETA CAE Systems is an engineering software company that develops pioneering CAE solutions.
BETA CAE Systems Locations: beta-cae.com/contacts.htm
ID: 154173309
http://www.beta-cae.com 10-06-2010 15:28:53
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We are happy to join the ISMA-USD Conference 2024. Don't miss our presentation "Comparison of the numerical accuracy of CMS and FBS techniques in FEM calculations". Read more: bit.ly/3rLaabc #BETACAE #PhysicsOnScreen KU Leuven Mecha(tro)nic System Dynamics (LMSD)

✨Our Virtual Clamping tool (VCA) in ANSA is featured in the "New & Noteworthy" column of Digital Engineering 247! Read the article here: bit.ly/3XwxeK2 #VirtualClamping #DigitalEngineering #ANSA #BETACAE #Innovation #NewAndNoteworthy

🎓✨BETA proudly received honorary recognition from Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης during the "We Walk Together" event, which was part of the 88th ΔΕΘ - HELEXPO AE on September 9th. This recognition encourages us to keep supporting academic institutions and promoting innovation! #BETACAE #AUTH