bernard haufiku (@bernard_haufiku) 's Twitter Profile
bernard haufiku



ID: 1056419437476302848

calendar_today28-10-2018 05:36:36

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bernard haufiku (@bernard_haufiku) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Coronavirus has shaken the world economy , especially travel industry . I have never seen Dubai International Airport this much empty ,I can almost walk with my eyes closed or hear a pin drop ! no pasanger ! scary but real ! Namibia must be ready to respond appropriately !

bernard haufiku (@bernard_haufiku) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Director of Health in Omusati Regikn , Alfons Amoomo and Police in Omusati deserve applause. They have at least managed to get those who stole medicines at Odimbwa Clinic arrested. I am told the second suspect has been locked up today . Well done !

bernard haufiku (@bernard_haufiku) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The concern of expectant mothers & those who just delivered seem to be genuine and deserve our attention and solutions One way I can think of is to enter into agreement with shops that sell these items to deliver them at ANC and Maternity wards on COD.

bernard haufiku (@bernard_haufiku) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A clear breach of lockdown as everyone presents with a travel permit at the road block . All reportedly issued by regional or local councilors. Roadblocks are now potential hotspots for transmission of the virus as people conglomerates here !

bernard haufiku (@bernard_haufiku) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Another shocking state of affairs at the ATM yesterday . Queues of people literally tagged together. How do Namibians understand Social Distancing ? Or we just don’t give a demn when it comes to money ?

bernard haufiku (@bernard_haufiku) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I will be at ease and feel a much comfortable if we can , as a bear minimum , text at least 0.0025 % of the Namibian Population . This will translates into a total of 6250 people . This is much better assuring than the current 499 people we have tested so far.

bernard haufiku (@bernard_haufiku) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The scariest thing in Windhoek now is the fact that there is apparently no more beds available for anyone with Covid 19 diseases . At least not in private hospitals . If this is true then those who advocated for Rhino garment factory to be converted to Covid center ,had a point

bernard haufiku (@bernard_haufiku) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Time to rethink accepting Covid 19 tests results presented by travelers to Namibia on arrival unless truly validated by our systems .

bernard haufiku (@bernard_haufiku) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Also time to consider holding the passports of travelers/visitors to Namibia who test positive for Covid 19 when they are about to leave Namibia and are put in isolations in Namibia .

bernard haufiku (@bernard_haufiku) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Three Jordanian Nationals and a Palestinian , who came to Namibia with apparent interest in AgriBusiness , escaped from a isolation in a local Hotel 4 days ago after possibly paying someone at a local laboratory and obtained fake negative results .

bernard haufiku (@bernard_haufiku) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I was shocked to hear I did much to facilitate their coming to Namibia and arrange meetings with some business personalities here and even some regional governors . Only to hear they escaped from isolations !

bernard haufiku (@bernard_haufiku) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This clearly call for a review or reconsiderations of some of our policies with travelers to and from Namibia in respect of Covid 19 screening & isolations