pastor ben, CCA (@benjaminaustic) 's Twitter Profile
pastor ben, CCA


Husband, Christ-learner, father, farmer, pastor and CCA. Good soil. Sometimes in MO, sometimes in NY. Posting daily Bible reading through 2024.

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pastor ben, CCA (@benjaminaustic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day 264: Usually, great movements are started with a core of loyal and brave adherents
 the Spartans in “300”, David and his 30 mighty warriors, George Washington and his “Virginia Regiment”. Jesus told his disciples to stay awake. They slept. He told them they’d scatter like

Day 264: Usually, great movements are started with a core of loyal and brave adherents
 the Spartans in “300”, David and his 30 mighty warriors, George Washington and his “Virginia Regiment”.

Jesus told his disciples to stay awake. They slept. He told them they’d scatter like
pastor ben, CCA (@benjaminaustic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day 265: It’s the book we’ve all been waiting for! The most studied and widely known book in the Bible! But maybe you don’t know it as well as you think you do
 pay attention to the structure and you’ll get a clearer picture of the author’s intent

Day 265: It’s the book we’ve all been waiting for! The most studied and widely known book in the Bible!

But maybe you don’t know it as well as you think you do
 pay attention to the structure and you’ll get a clearer picture of the author’s intent

pastor ben, CCA (@benjaminaustic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Beautifully said! And, when Jesus was asked about paying taxes to Caesar
 he said, “whose image is on the coin?” “Caesar’s,” they said. “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s!,” was His reply. Now I wonder
 whose image is on you? Genesis 1 says you are made in His image! So to whom

pastor ben, CCA (@benjaminaustic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day 266: “Born again” is such a common term, taken directly from our reading today. But Jesus doesn’t give a detailed explanation of what that means. Born again- as in “delivered”. We are stuck inside a body which is doomed to death. We need to be delivered into an eternal

Day 266: “Born again” is such a common term, taken directly from our reading today. But Jesus doesn’t give a detailed explanation of what that means.

Born again- as in “delivered”. We are stuck inside a body which is doomed to death. We need to be delivered into an eternal
pastor ben, CCA (@benjaminaustic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day 267: As his disciples said, there are some “hard sayings” of Jesus in this passage. Jesus is clear— you must eat His flesh and drink His blood to have life. Why? Why such a gruesome act? Back in Bible college, I heard a sermon from a small country preacher at chapel one day.

Day 267: As his disciples said, there are some “hard sayings” of Jesus in this passage. Jesus is clear— you must eat His flesh and drink His blood to have life. Why? Why such a gruesome act?

Back in Bible college, I heard a sermon from a small country preacher at chapel one day.
pastor ben, CCA (@benjaminaustic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day 268: our reading from John and the psalm converge to show the hypocrisy of the religious leaders. In John 7-8, Jesus has a long exchange with the religious leaders that goes like this: Jesus tells them who He is -> they don’t believe Him -> Jesus points out their error &

Day 268: our reading from John and the psalm converge to show the hypocrisy of the religious leaders.

In John 7-8, Jesus has a long exchange with the religious leaders that goes like this: Jesus tells them who He is -> they don’t believe Him -> Jesus points out their error &
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Let’s get this straight. A woman and her children died because of the abortion pill and medical negligence
 and pro-lifers are the ones to blame?

pastor ben, CCA (@benjaminaustic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Days 269 & 270: Jesus really lays it out for everyone— do you trust Him, or don’t you? Do you believe His claims or not? And Jesus doesn’t seem too concerned about cultural or political identity. There are “other sheep” from “other folds”
 there are those who know His voice,

Days 269 & 270: Jesus really lays it out for everyone— do you trust Him, or don’t you? Do you believe His claims or not?

And Jesus doesn’t seem too concerned about cultural or political identity. There are “other sheep” from “other folds”
 there are those who know His voice,
pastor ben, CCA (@benjaminaustic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day 271: these next chapters of John are Jesus’s clearest instructions for His disciples (including us). If you’ve been confused by His parables and riddles, good news! He’s speaking plainly, with the urgency and clarity of a man with lots to say and not much time to say it.

Day 271: these next chapters of John are Jesus’s clearest instructions for His disciples (including us).

If you’ve been confused by His parables and riddles, good news! He’s speaking plainly, with the urgency and clarity of a man with lots to say and not much time to say it.