Ben Ainsworth
I teach health @SotonPsych. Applying psychology to help people using digital health. And I love boats.
ID: 58025605
18-07-2009 20:36:20
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Great to see our recent systematic review and collab with medito covered in yesterday's The Mirror & Daily Express! 📰🧐 As always, shoutout to co-authors Ben Ainsworth Max Western Olivia Maynard Emma Osborne & press team University of Bath News 😊

So pleased to have passed my viva yesterday! Thank you to Dr Polly Hardy-Johnson and Charlotte Dack for being thorough but fair and making it a really positive experience 😊 And thanks so much to Mary Barker Ben Ainsworth Stephan Dombrowski and Julia Allan for the encouragement and support!

Prize winning presentation from Ben Ainsworth - lots of great methodology tips for conducting large scale RCTs in healthcare settings using the OpenSAFELY platform - …plementationscience.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.11… #UKSBM2024

Dr Mary Steele Mary Steele presenting her fab work on working with young people toin Digital Intervention Group team

What a great symposium providing advice and evidence on working with underserved groups in Person-Based Approach (PBA) co-production. With speakers Mary Steele Cynthia Dr Sarah E. Bennett Sarah Denford.

Delighted to finally be able share this work looking at the outcomes of surgery schools. Denny Levett Mike Grocott Ben Ainsworth Chloe Grimmett bjaopen.org/article/S2772-…

This incredible trial lead by Adam Geraghty showed that that using nasal sprays and/or behavioural lifestyle support could help reduce the impact of colds. Super handy to remember pre-conference season!

Exciting opportunity for a researcher to join the behavioural science group in Primary Care Research Centre to develop interventions for the food allergy prevention project. Get in touch for more detail. Graham Roberts Ben Ainsworth jobs.soton.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?r…

A great explainer of her fab fully digital RCT by Masha Remskar