Ben Peterson
Political theorist. Assistant professor @ACUedu. Views mine.
ID: 2911240669
http://benapeterson.com 26-11-2014 21:03:30
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“In contrast to those tempted by the siren song of radical politics, I argue that Christian ethics, rightly understood, encourages political moderation.” –Bill Reddinger #reformed #theology #reformedtheology #theologymatters buff.ly/44wrkM6

Here it is. My debut for Plough Quarterly: plough.com/en/topics/comm…

The Ciceronian Society is happy to partner with the Acton Institute for their Academic Conference, October 25 in Grand Rapids, MI. Register today and we'll see you there! acton.org/event/2024/07/…

This is sick. And a good example of what I wrote for Acton Institute Religion & Liberty last year: Public religion imposed by a planned partisan campaign will offer a contrived political gospel that serves the interests of politicians, not the faith.

"Does Your Vote Matter?" via Law & Liberty lawliberty.org/forum/does-you…

Ben Peterson: "Voting is an important right for citizens, but it is inadequate to solve America’s problems." lawliberty.org/forum/does-you…

Many thanks to Ben Peterson for this thoughtful reply to my essay on the ethics of voting. But just as a teaser. There was one place in the piece where I stopped reading, laughed, and said, "Well. If it's just a symbol, to hell with it!" From Law & Liberty: lawliberty.org/forum/does-you…

Thanks to RealClear American Civics for picking up my piece in Law & Liberty today! realclearpublicaffairs.com/public_affairs…

“If voters keep coming to the polls even though they are dissatisfied with the options, the major parties will keep getting the message that they don’t have to earn votes with better candidates.” Ben Peterson joins our latest forum: lawliberty.org/forum/does-you…

Grateful to Pat Lynch for weighing in on our forum! I'm rather tickled that I get to be the one defending the (here) unpopular minority position that yes, you probably should vote. Law & Liberty