Belfast Stammer Support
Be you, bravely.
Its ok to stammer, we're here to help. With a focus on peer support&taking action we're here to make this place better for people who stammer
ID: 1335986677433643010
07-12-2020 16:38:47
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Yesterday was International Stammering Awareness Day (#ISAD2022). I joined STAMMA to hand in a petition of over 25,000 signatures to the BBC Studios , ITV Studios & @channel4 to ask for better representation of stammering in TV & Films.

Appalled to hear about staff at Starbucks UK mocking my colleague & friend @ConnorTregunna for his #stammer as he ordered a coffee this morning. This is is totally totally unacceptable. #discrimination #EqualityAct #OKToStammer #Values Starbucks Action for Stammering Children

Keep going Connor - we need Starbucks UK to get the word out to their staff that this is totally unacceptable behaviour. Shocking. STAMMA Action for Stammering Children

Ed Balls Starbucks UK STAMMA Action for Stammering Children Ed Balls fair play for taking action here, a stammering voice in the media, you are a legend sir

Thank you to Belfast Stammer Support Belfast Stammer Support who visited our school recently to run fantastic workshops with our Year 8 pupils. You can find out more about the wonderful work of this organisation at belfaststammersupport.com

Hi Frank Mitchell hope you are keeping well,could you do a wee plug for us for a free event in Hillsborough Castle Gardens on Sat 16th Dec for families of young people who stammer 'Walk with the snowman trail' followed by a screening of the movie 🎥🍿 [email protected]

We are excited to be running an ACT and Stammering workshop with Maeve Lappin for adults who stammer on Thurs 22nd Feb 19.30 UniversityOfAtypical Belfast, email [email protected] if interested STAMMA Ruth Sedgewick