Tonnchen (@bedrevite) 's Twitter Profile



ID: 746443009412243457

calendar_today24-06-2016 20:40:56

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Stephanie 🌺 (@nachadamriese) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wir sind mittlerweile an dem Punkt angelangt, wo Männer in der Frauenkategorie GEGENEINANDER antreten. Hier im Halbfinale der 'Ultimate Pool Mini Series'. "Niemandem wird etwas weggenommen"-Folge 43567. #SaveWomensSports

Sam Morgan (@crunchalias) 's Twitter Profile Photo

An honest man who calls himself a woman, is not sane. A sane man who calls himself a woman, is not honest. A person that lets men into women’s spaces, as long as they prove themselves insane or dishonest, is a dangerous idiot.

Madeleine (@missdelein2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dieser Mann (Josh Seiter) hat sich 6 Monate lang als einen sogenannten „Transfrau“ ausgegeben, um den Leuten zu zeigen, wie lächerlich es ist, dass überhaupt irgendjemand glaubt, ein Mann könne zu einer Frau werden. „Ich glaube, viele Transfrauen finden den Gedanken, Frauen zu

WomenAreSayingNO (@mjeslfc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Why would any sane woman buy underwear that promotes misogyny? Men aren't women, even feminine skinny ones. 'Woman' isn't a costume, Victoria's Secret #BoycottMisogynisticBrands

Why would any sane woman buy underwear that promotes misogyny? 

Men aren't women, even feminine skinny ones. 

'Woman' isn't a costume, <a href="/VictoriasSecret/">Victoria's Secret</a> 

Nicolas Basse 🖊️🏹 (@stift_und_bogen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🕯️ Berlin, werde bitte still. Der 18. Oktober 1941 war der Beginn der systematischen Massendeportation der jüdischen Bevölkerung aus der damaligen Reichshauptstadt unter dem Naziterror. #otd Blicke auf das "Mahnmal Gleis 17" am Bahnhof Grunewald, also am historischen Ort.

🕯️ Berlin, werde bitte still.

Der 18. Oktober 1941 war der Beginn der systematischen Massendeportation der jüdischen Bevölkerung aus der damaligen Reichshauptstadt unter dem Naziterror. #otd

Blicke auf das "Mahnmal Gleis 17" am Bahnhof Grunewald, also am historischen Ort.
Aviva Klompas (@avivaklompas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Netanyahu offered immunity to any Gazan who releases hostages. Now Daniel Birnbaum, former CEO of SodaStream, is offering $100,000 to anyone who retruns an Israelis hostage alive. The deadline to do so is Wednesday Oct 23. ❗Share this - we may just save some lives❗

Josh Seiter (@josh_seiter) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Trans-identified men have all the same rights as the rest of us. They can access any men’s restroom and sport in America. Be clear, what they are asking for is the special and illegal privilege of accessing opposite sex facilities and services. Special privileges are not human

Madeleine (@missdelein2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Die UN-Sonderberichterstatterin für Gewalt an Frauen und Mädchen, fordert reine Frauensportkategorien, nachdem Sportlerinnen 890 Medaillen an männliche Gegner verloren haben. Auch erlitten sie schwere Verletzungen wie ausgeschlagene Zähne, Gehirnerschütterungen, Beinbrüche und

Oli London (@olilondontv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Trans golfer decides to STOP competing in women’s golfing after recognizing “biological realities.” Nicole Powers, who previously competed in women’s sports has vowed never to do so again. “I had to take a step back and realize that biological realities are real and

Trans golfer decides to STOP competing in women’s golfing after recognizing “biological realities.” 

Nicole Powers, who previously competed in women’s sports has vowed never to do so again.  

“I had to take a step back and realize that biological realities are real and
leekern (@leekern13) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just reminding you it’s been a year of the Palestinians about to run out of electricity… …didn’t happen It’s been a year of them about to run out of fuel… …didn’t happen It’s been a year of them about to run out of food… …didn’t happen It’s been a year of them being