Biodiv. & Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate (@becc_sweden) 's Twitter Profile
Biodiv. & Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate


World leading research about dynamics between biodiversity & ecosystem services in a rapidly changing world @lunduniversity & @goteborgsuni

ID: 4112864445

link calendar_today04-11-2015 15:38:03

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Biodiv. & Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate (@becc_sweden) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Josefin & Lina, BECC's research coordinator & research administrator, have worked intensely with the Swedish Climate Symposium: - It's so nice to see all participants. There seems to be a big interest to explore other disciplines & find cross- & transdisciplinary collaborations.

Josefin & Lina, BECC's research coordinator & research administrator, have worked intensely with the Swedish Climate Symposium:
- It's so nice to see all participants. There seems to be a big interest to explore other disciplines & find cross- & transdisciplinary collaborations.
Biodiv. & Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate (@becc_sweden) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Friday marked the last day of Swedish Climate Symposium. Together with Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre we organised the session "Saving Biodiversity and Climate – How Academia and Society Navigate Policy Processes" with an incredibly interesting panel. Thank you all for coming!

Friday marked the last day of Swedish Climate Symposium. Together with <a href="/GGBC_GU/">Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre</a> we organised the session "Saving Biodiversity and Climate – How Academia and Society Navigate Policy Processes" with an incredibly interesting panel. Thank you all for coming!
Lunds universitet (@lundsuni) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Forskarens fem tips för en kemikaliefri trĂ€dgĂ„rd och gynnande av biologisk mĂ„ngfaldđŸŒ±đŸŒđŸ #biologiskmĂ„ngfald #trĂ€dgĂ„rd

Forskarens fem tips för en kemikaliefri trĂ€dgĂ„rd och gynnande av biologisk mĂ„ngfaldđŸŒ±đŸŒđŸ  #biologiskmĂ„ngfald #trĂ€dgĂ„rd
Biodiv. & Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate (@becc_sweden) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thomas Sterner, miljöekonom vid Economics GU & BECC PI, belyser i Göteborgs universitet / University of Gothenburg's podd Nyfiken att Ă€mnet miljöekonomi gjort stora framsteg, men att konkreta Ă„tgĂ€rder för miljön slĂ€par efter. "KlimatfrĂ„gan vore lösbar, men krĂ€ver stora insatser och planering."

Altinget Miljö (@altingetmiljo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

MĂ„nga lĂ€nder ser sina 2030-mĂ„l som en vĂ€xande utmaning och frestelsen att skjuta fram nödvĂ€ndiga beslut Ă€r stor, konstaterar Klimatpolitiska rĂ„dets Åsa Persson. Hon ser tre tydliga punkter dĂ€r regeringen behöver hjĂ€lp frĂ„n forskningen.

Economics GU (@econgu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In this 15-minute interview in the Göteborgs universitet / University of Gothenburg podcast Nyfiken, Thomas Sterner talks about the environmental group at the department and the challenges in tackling climate change. Podcast in Swedish.
 #climatechange #environment #research

Biodiv. & Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate (@becc_sweden) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congrats Melanie Karlsson on nailing her thesis: Developing organic farming - agroecological challenges for sustainable intensification. It investigates how organic yields can be improved sustainably with special attention on the role of biodiversity:

Congrats Melanie Karlsson on nailing her thesis: Developing organic farming - agroecological challenges for sustainable intensification. 
It investigates how organic yields can be improved  sustainably with special attention on the role of biodiversity:
SMHI (@smhi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌍🔊 Nytt poddavsnitt frĂ„n Swedish Climate Symposium 2024. Forskare frĂ„n SMHI och andra institut fick svara pĂ„ frĂ„gor frĂ„n allmĂ€nheten; Varför Ă€r haven rekordvarma? Klarar vi att minska vĂ„ra utslĂ€pp i tid? Vad kan DU göra för klimatet? ! #klimat #scs2024

Edith Hammer (@edithchammer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Come for your PhD to us! We want to investigate necromass in #soilchips to better understand its stability. Laboratory based. Fully funded. Really nice colleagues:) Please RT!

Come for your PhD to us! We want to investigate necromass in #soilchips to better understand its stability. Laboratory based. Fully funded. Really nice colleagues:) Please RT!

Biodiv. & Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate (@becc_sweden) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"att det finns en konflikt mellan utveckling och miljö Ă€r en Ă„terkommande missuppfattning." 20 forskare, varav flera BECC:are, rĂ€ds ökad polarisering mellan mĂ€nniska och natur efter en debattartikel i DN skriven av företrĂ€dare för Moderaterna:

Biodiversa+ (European Biodiversity Partnership) (@biodiversaplus) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📱 We are VERY excited to announce our future transnational joint research call: “Biodiversity and Transformative Change – BiodivTransform” Official launch: 10 September 2024. Get ready! 👉 #Biodiversity #TransformativeChange #BiodivTransform

📱 We are VERY excited to announce our future transnational joint research call: 
“Biodiversity and Transformative Change – BiodivTransform”

Official launch: 10 September 2024.
Get ready!


#Biodiversity #TransformativeChange #BiodivTransform
Abdulhakim Abdi (@hakimabdi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Do you like #forests and have experience in #machinelearning and #remotesensing? I'm looking for a research assistant (10 months) to work with me in mapping forests in southern Sweden. Position is fulltime and based at Centre for Environmental and Climate Science, LU in Lund. Please share! 🙏

Nordic Society Oikos (@nordicoikos) 's Twitter Profile Photo

TODAY we are opening the application for the Nordic Society Oikos Grants! đŸ€© You can apply for larger Networking and Education grants or smaller ECR grants. Deadline: 1st September. OikosDK @OikosFinland The Ecological Society of Iceland NØF Swedish Society Oikos #grants

TODAY we are opening the application for the Nordic Society Oikos Grants! đŸ€© You can apply for larger Networking and Education grants or smaller ECR grants. Deadline: 1st September. 
<a href="/OikosDk/">OikosDK</a> <a href="/OikosFinland/">@OikosFinland</a> <a href="/vistfr/">The Ecological Society of Iceland</a> <a href="/OikosNorge/">NØF</a> <a href="/SweSocOikos/">Swedish Society Oikos</a> #grants
Biodiv. & Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate (@becc_sweden) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I dag hittar vi MajRundlof i ett klipp pĂ„ SVT dĂ€r hon delar med sig av tre enkla tips för att hjĂ€lpa vĂ„ra hotade humlor:

Biodiversa+ (European Biodiversity Partnership) (@biodiversaplus) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚹 New report! Can Nature-based Solutions truly drive transformative change? Discover key findings and recommendations from our latest desk study: 👉
 #NatureBasedSolutions #NbS #Biodiversity #TransformativeChange

🚹 New report!
Can Nature-based Solutions truly drive transformative change? Discover key findings and recommendations from our latest desk study:

#NatureBasedSolutions #NbS #Biodiversity #TransformativeChange
SMHI (@smhi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

FN:s klimatpanel IPCC ska ta fram en specialrapport om klimatförĂ€ndringen och stĂ€der. Har du relevant expertkunskap inom omrĂ„det? DĂ„ Ă€r du vĂ€lkommen att anmĂ€la ditt intresse till nomineringen av författare som sker under hösten. #klimat #IPCC

FN:s klimatpanel IPCC ska ta fram en specialrapport om klimatförĂ€ndringen och stĂ€der. Har du relevant expertkunskap inom omrĂ„det? DĂ„ Ă€r du vĂ€lkommen att anmĂ€la ditt intresse till nomineringen av författare som sker under hösten. #klimat #IPCC

Johan Kjellberg Jensen (@johankjensen1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How can we reconnect children with nature? Could bird feeding remedy the extinction of experience, and does urbanization affect it all? Very excited about our new paper in People and Nature –some of the most rewarding research I’ve been part of! Caroline Isaksson

NatureEcoEvo (@natureecoevo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We're hiring! If you have a background in any subdiscipline of #ecology (global change and microbial ecology particularly welcome) and would like to work with us, check out the job ad below. #editorjobs #ecologyjobs