Professor in Biomechanics @KULeuven
ID: 1469857704
30-05-2013 14:33:06
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Great talk by Taija Finni and BenedicteVanwanseele on Achilles Tendon biomechanics yesterday evening. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and thanks International Women in Biomechanics for organizing this monthly meeting.

I am recruiting two PhD students for our project on biking skills across the lifespan with Friedl De Groote kuleuven.be/personeel/jobs… Do not hesitate to DM me or contact me via email with any questions you might have.

📢 Biomechs at ECSS, don’t miss the IntSoc Biomechanics session during the lunch break today. Great lineup of speakers: BenedicteVanwanseele Neil Bezodis Anthony Blazevich Steph Ross 12:15, Room 351, sport-science.org/index.php/scie… #ECSS2023

Busy day today at #ECSS2023 with 9.30am talk about changing musculoskeletal loading in running with Bas Van Hooren Laurent Malisoux (room Havana) and lunch time talk in the #ISB session with Neil Bezodis Toni Arndt Anthony Blazevich @stephanieross (room 351)

Join us on November 15 for the first ECSS Specific Interest Group (SIG) Webinar on distance running! Register now through your ECSS account. tinyurl.com/5n7sbzsm #WeAreSportScience Guillaume Millet BenedicteVanwanseele Laurent Malisoux Laurent Bosquet Rasmus Nielsen

🏆 Het unieke renovatieproject van de Sint-Annakapel ⛪ in Dentergem door #kuleuven won de #henryvandeveldeawards #hvdv24 ‼️ Nog tot 15 december kan je stemmen voor de publieksprijs Flanders DC SET Group KU Leuven bit.ly/3MIrZCA

Join us on today for the first ECSS Specific Interest Group (SIG) Webinar on distance running! It's on at 17.30! tinyurl.com/5n7sbzsm #WeAreSportScience Guillaume Millet BenedicteVanwanseele Laurent Malisoux Laurent Bosquet Rasmus Nielsen