Barbara Duncan
ID: 833809190296625152
20-02-2017 22:42:57
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Super excited that one of the spreads from the 2022 edition of The Heritage has been included in the Jostens 2023 Look Book 🫶🏻 #jostensyearbooks First Colonial HS

FC’s yearbook staff had a blast at Harbor Park today practicing our photography skills! Norfolk Tides Yearbook Love First Colonial HS

Our new Towne Crier site is live: fctownecrier.com! Follow us Towne Crier #schoolnewspaper

Mrs Duncan’s 2A class discuss their chosen novels using Habits of Mind. VBCPS Office of Gifted Programs Angelique Phillips Nancy Farrell

Mrs Duncan’s 3A class uses fishbowl in lit. circle to analyze how each participates in discussion. VBCPS Office of Gifted Programs Angelique Phillips Nancy Farrell

Mrs. Duncan’s 4A class using Habits of Mind to evaluate each other’s participation. Nancy Farrell Angelique Phillips VBCPS Office of Gifted Programs