Mrs. Keenan
Brockport Ginther Elementary School Assistant Principal
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http://bcs1.org 10-06-2013 18:45:40
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For Fictional Character day, a dinosaur greeted Randall Yu and Brockport Barclay students. A special thanks to BCSD Transportation for providing some music! #homecoming #spiritweek

Walk to School Day is always a favorite! (Especially after an amazing Open House!) Randall Yu

Today is World Kindness Day! Our teachers chalked some signs to greet Randall Yu friends this morning!

Oh what fun it is to be at Ginther! Rudolph/ Grinch day, a visit from the "Big Guy" and even some staff "Reindeer Games" before school! Randall Yu

Mrs. DeLeo's students from the Randall Yu school collaborated with Brockport HS French students by reading The Little Prince. Our 1st grade students wrote stories and were excited to share with the high school students! They loved sharing stories with the "big kids" #RoleModels

Mrs. Moulton's friends continued their Christmas Around the World celebration. Today, they visited Germany and learned about the origins of the Christmas tree and the song O Tannebaum. What a fun way to celebrate with ice cream cones, frosting, and mini m&ms! Randall Yu

All aboard the Ginther Express! First graders in our 400 hall have learned about winter traditions around the world! It was so much fun seeing what they learned this week. Randall Yu @BrockportPTSA

Some first grade friends helped me make "We care centers" for our CharacterStrong trait of the month, Empathy! Stay tuned for more about how we are learning about empathy. Randall Yu

Sharing is caring has a new meaning for Ms. Smith's Kindergarteners. Students shared their writing with their peers through a gallery walk and partner shares. #impressive #kindergarten #wearewriters Randall Yu

Ginther School participated in Global School Play Day today! Students had fun with their friends while learning important social skills and critical thinking. #GSPD2024 #theimportantstuff #playislearning Randall Yu

On Mondays, we drink coffee! Thanks Travelin' Tom's Coffee Truck for bringing delicious coffee to the Randall Yu teachers and staff! A great way to be welcomed back to school.

Mission: Accomplished! Thanks to all the families, students, and teachers who made tonight's family night such a BLAST! Specials thanks to Wegmans for the refreshments! Cris Johnson was a hit! #parp #familynight Randall Yu @BrockportPTSA

These Randall Yu friends and families found our reading nook to be the just right spot for a good book! #nyspta #parp @BrockportPTSA

Today was our last day of PARP (Pick A Reading Partner). It is my favorite time of every year! After being "book'd," going on a book walk, completing BINGO boards, having a family night, and SO much more, we had a GLO dance party that was out of this world! Randall Yu

Kindergarteners in Mrs. Baker's class are practicing the ABC book. Look at those muscles for "E E E exercise". Collab Classroom Randall Yu

Beautiful day for sledding Randall Yu Brockport CSD . Our friends have been waiting for this fun week in PE!