benjamin winterhalter (@bawinterhalter) 's Twitter Profile
benjamin winterhalter


writer, editor, and lawyer with work in @theatlantic, @bostonglobe, @lareviewofbooks, &c.

ID: 790374271

calendar_today29-08-2012 23:34:37

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Luke Savage (@lukewsavage) 's Twitter Profile Photo

For The Atlantic, I wrote about the strange pantomime act of liberalism in the Trump era - which sees elite politicians talk endlessly about the evils and injustices all around them while behaving as if they're powerless to act.ā€¦

Scientific American (@sciam) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Manipulating sleep might be a new way to treat afflictions as wide ranging as nightmares or problems with mood, memory or even motor skills.

Emma Green (@emmaogreen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

For a long time, I've been wanting to read a good piece explaining the rise of the classical education movement. Finally, I convinced my editor to let me write the piece myself. In this week's print issue:ā€¦

The TLS (@thetls) 's Twitter Profile Photo

'The Yorkshireman in Patrick Stewart frequently emerges through the LA froth to remark on the absurdity of it all' J. S. Barnes (J S Barnes): Patrick Stewart reveals the ā€˜bruised, solemn little boyā€™ behind the maskā€¦

Voxy (@voxytwitch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

i have removed the word discourse from the dictionary none of you are allowed to use it anymore it is now illegal and you will go to jail

Longform Podcast (@longformpodcast) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Episode 585: John Jeremiah Sullivan, contributing writer for @nytmag and author of ā€œPulpheadā€ and the forthcoming ā€œThe Prime Minister of Paradiseā€ā€¦ This is our final episode. Thanks for listening.

Episode 585: John Jeremiah Sullivan, contributing writer for @nytmag and author of ā€œPulpheadā€ and the forthcoming ā€œThe Prime Minister of Paradiseā€ā€¦

This is our final episode. Thanks for listening.
Ben Reiff (@bentreyf) 's Twitter Profile Photo

By labeling everything a human shield, ā€œIsrael has created a way to use international humanitarian lawā€”which is technically meant to regulate war and make it more humaneā€”to the opposite effect, essentially carving out a legal justification for genocide.ā€ā€¦

The Baffler (@thebafflermag) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ā€œWhen I first heard the phrase ā€˜value-based care,ā€™ I thought, compassion, honesty, integrityā€”values that are very important in health care. But of course, the ā€˜valueā€™ in this newer model of health care delivery turns out to be mostly financial in nature.ā€ā€¦

London Review of Books (@lrb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ā€˜The ā€œTractatusā€ is carefully crafted nonsense that does whatever philosophical work it does by appearing, initially at least, to make sense. And it is that appearance of sense that is critical for the translator.ā€™ A.W. Moore on translating Wittgenstein:ā€¦

Sloane Crosley (@askanyone) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Writing this was better than setting my apartment on fire. Though thereā€™s still time for both. Essay in this weekā€™s issue of The New Yorker:ā€¦

Angelica @ Italian Disco Stories (@angelica_frey) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Final Fantasy has plenty of in-universe diegetic songs: I analyzed them (well, mostly "No Promises To Keep" and "1000 Words") for Polygonā€¦

Emily Mullin (@emilylmullin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I tested out a $700 brainwave-tracking device designed to improve your focus. The era of consumer brain-computer interfaces is here whether weā€™re ready for it or not.ā€¦