Arabic teaching
ID: 1299062952138506240
27-08-2020 19:15:33
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First keynote at the annual ArabicBATA conference by Hanada Taha Thomure هنادا طه: Reading fluency in Arabic: a dream or an expectation? الطلاقة القرائية باللغة العربية: توقّع أو حلم؟

تعلمت الآن مصطلح «مكنز» بمعنى corpus، فضلا للزميلة Hanada Taha Thomure هنادا طه والزميل Nizar Habash. ArabicBATA

Right now the first #BATA2024 ArabicBATA seminar on AI: a new album for language teachers by Dr. Carla El Khouru and Dr. Ruba Khan am @rubakhamam ALM College

The 3rd #bata2025 parallel seminar on Translator's intervention in the translation of philosophical texts by Hanan Alotaibi, University of Manchester ArabicBATA ALM College

Today, we are delighted to welcome over 100 delegates from 26 different countries to an international conference hosted by Al-Maktoum College in Dundee. In collaboration with the British Association of Teachers of Arabic, ArabicBATA #Dundee #College #Education #Conference

What a wonderful day! I want to thank everyone who made it to the #British Association of #Teachers of #Arabic Conference 2024 hosted by Al-Maktoum College ALM College #BATA2024 instagram.com/reel/C8uQQkyMk…

ArabicBATA Brilliant day! Now we can look forward to day two. 😀

Fantastic start to our 2-day event! We're thrilled to see so much energy and can't wait to share what's coming up. 🎉 #Dundee #Scotland #Arabic #Language #Teaching #Education #College ArabicBATA

A scoping review into the teaching and learning of Arabic as an additional language – presented at the ArabicBATA annual conference in Dundee by Dr. Anna-Maria Ramezanzadeh & Dr. Robert Woore Qatar Foundation qfi.org/research/a-sco…

The questionable role of language genealogy in Arabic-Hebrew contact – my paper at the 4th annual ArabicBATA conference at ALM College in Dundee. Modern Languages at St Andrews

The 5th annual ArabicBATA conference will take place on 26–27 June 2025 at the University of Warwick University of Warwick.

Thank you so very much to our friend and colleague Dr Sara Altubuly for impeccably orchestrating the annual conference of the British Association of Teachers of Arabic (ArabicBATA) at Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education (ALM College) in Dundee. 💕

Thrilled to share my experience at the BATA 4th Annual International Conference! Conducted a workshop on "Empowering Arabic Language Learning with LLMs" and co-presented on collocation use in Arabic writings with Muhammad S. Abdo 🇵🇸 Grateful for the connections and insights Hamilton Lugar School at Indiana University