Bastien Blain (@bastien__blain) 's Twitter Profile
Bastien Blain


I develop some computational models and I then hope people comply with them. I sometimes do the same with neural data. App:

ID: 3222722628

link calendar_today22-05-2015 00:03:20

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Chris Kelly (@chris_a_kelly) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New paper w/affective.brain Bastien Blain: During stress (COVID-19 and personal events), people ask more "How" questions online. This pattern reflects a search for actionable information. Read more:

Nils Kroemer (@cornu_copiae) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Are humans behaving more like foragers even on typical reinforcement learning tasks? Work by Zid et al.…

Are humans behaving more like foragers even on typical reinforcement learning tasks?
Work by Zid et al.…
Shenhav Lab (@shenhavlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our newest preprint explores whether feelings (affect) may be the only form of value you need to motivate thoughts and actions. "The affective gradient hypothesis: An affect-centered account of motivated behavior."… See 🧵 below to learn more:

Eran Eldar (@eraneldar) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Prediction is likely the most basic cognitive process, but we almost always think of it as applied forwards In some environments, though, it's more efficient to apply it backwards - estimating the actions that will likely precede a given outcome It turns out that's what we do👇

Laura Globig (@laura_k_globig) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨 New paper alert! 🚨 “Considering information-sharing motives to reduce misinformation” out now in Current Opinion in Psychology with affective.brain.… (1/n)

Yael Niv (@yael_niv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Computational psychiatry friends: I am teaching a seminar on CPSY for the 2nd time (previous: 2021) and want to update my syllabus. Can you help? What are your favorites* (can be your own papers!) on the following: *Ideally: easy to read & informative on both model and disorder

Francesco Poli (@francescpoli) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What drives 4-year-olds to explore? We show that children's curiosity is fuelled by novelty and learning progress, out now in Child Development! 🧵1/6 Society for Research in Child Development…

Trends in Cognitive Sciences (@trendscognsci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The affective gradient hypothesis: an affect-centered account of motivated behavior Opinion by Amitai Shenhav (Amitai Shenhav) Free access before Nov 13:…

The affective gradient hypothesis: an affect-centered account of motivated behavior

Opinion by Amitai Shenhav (<a href="/amitaishenhav/">Amitai Shenhav</a>)
Free access before Nov 13:…
Shenhav Lab (@shenhavlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our paper on the Affective Gradient Hypothesis is now out on Trends in Cognitive Sciences! 🧠 ➡️… For a short summary of how this theory originated and what it proposes, see this 🧵:…

Amitai Shenhav (@amitaishenhav) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I’m thrilled to see this out now, & couldn’t be happier that it landed in TiCS! I already wrote a 🧵on the positive case I’m making (below). I want to briefly elaborate on the negative case: why the status quo on goals & value is in need of a new account. From my conclusion: