Bastien Blain
I develop some computational models and I then hope people comply with them. I sometimes do the same with neural data. App: thehappinessproject.app
ID: 3222722628
https://bastienblain.weebly.com/ 22-05-2015 00:03:20
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New paper w/affective.brain Bastien Blain: During stress (COVID-19 and personal events), people ask more "How" questions online. This pattern reflects a search for actionable information. Read more: rdcu.be/dMyMr

I am so excited to be part of this fantastic project. Submit your work and join us NeurIPS Conference in Vancouver!

🚨 New paper alert! 🚨 “Considering information-sharing motives to reduce misinformation” out now in Current Opinion in Psychology with affective.brain. doi.org/10.1016/j.cops… (1/n)

Beyond discrete-choice options Review by AH Hadian Rasanan , NJ Evans, laura fontanesi, Catherine (Cathy) Manning, C Huang-Pollock, Dora Matzke, Andrew Heathcote, Jörg Rieskamp, Maarten Speekenbrink, MJ Frank, Stefano Palminteri, C Lucas, J Busemeyer, R Ratcliff, & JA Rad tinyurl.com/3dsbs3zm

What drives 4-year-olds to explore? We show that children's curiosity is fuelled by novelty and learning progress, out now in Child Development! 🧵1/6 Society for Research in Child Development doi.org/10.1111/cdev.1…

The affective gradient hypothesis: an affect-centered account of motivated behavior Opinion by Amitai Shenhav (Amitai Shenhav) Free access before Nov 13: authors.elsevier.com/a/1jpv%7E_V1r-…

Our paper on the Affective Gradient Hypothesis is now out on Trends in Cognitive Sciences! 🧠 ➡️sciencedirect.com/science/articl… For a short summary of how this theory originated and what it proposes, see this 🧵: x.com/amitaishenhav/…