Barbara Fienieg
global health advocate @Wemos
ID: 724937579695620096 26-04-2016 12:26:02
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In de Volkskrant, collega Bram Joanknecht over scheefgroei en vermogensbelasting: ‘Als we een belasting van 1 procent zouden heffen op het vermogen van de 500 rijkste Nederlanders, dan levert dat jaarlijks ongeveer 2,4 miljard euro op.’ #TaxTheRich…
⚡ 200+ Civil Society Organisations led by Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) made a Joint Submission on the #UNTaxConvention Draft Terms of Reference (ToR) Read the full submission here:
Huray for #HumanRights, including all people's right to health! Very good progress in the revised draft terms for the Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation, which will be discussed next week at the United Nations. One of those glimmers of hope!🌈
'From Billions to Trillions' has failed to deliver, both in quality and quantity. 📢#FfD4 must deliver a United Nations process to thoroughly review the #sustdev outcomes of PPPs, #BlendedFinance & others. Rewatch María José Romero Civil Society Financing for Development Mechanism's intervention: ▶️…
Nederland, werk mee aan VN-belastingverdrag. Deze oproep doen Barbara Fienieg van Wemos & Arnold Merkies van Tax Justice NL in NRC. Landen lopen veel geld mis door #belastingontwijking, ten koste van o.a. gezondheidszorg. Belastingverdrag pakt dit aan. Lees:…