Mr. BananaMan
Welcome To The Way Of The Banana 🍌
ID: 3565411335
https://cant-not-tweet-this.com 06-09-2015 11:01:36
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Mario Nawfal According to Israel’s own report: They knew about the attack a year ago They saw them train for it 6 months before Conveniently left the border with no security on Oct 7th Used heli and tanks to shell their own civilians And used that tragedy to level Gaza Yet people still

Suppressed News. Ive never seen faces more cursed by god than these

S p r i n t e r What does their faith have to do with anything. Palestinians are the actual descendants of the Jews who lived there. Like “oooh 3000 years ago were jews and today they are jews, must be the same!” What stupid logic!

Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 Oh shit, a Jew just Jewed another Jew

Sulaiman Ahmed My heart goes out to the poor little child AIPAC has on tape with him 💔

Sulaiman Ahmed The nose always speaks volumes