Baltimore Area Evaluators
Baltimore Area Evaluators (BAE) is a professional society promoting the development and use of quality evaluation to enhance the effectiveness of human action.
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http://www.baltimoreareaevaluators.com/ 16-01-2018 21:17:40
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Baltimore area evaluators' May in-person meetup is tomorrow, May 16, from 5-7 pm Red Emma's Hope to see you there! #evaluation #data #Baltimore

Chesapeake Bay Trust Urban Trees mini-grant up to $5k cbtrust.org/grants/urban-t… Research shows exposure to urban nature compared to built spaces improved multiple measures of cognitive function (Kondo et al., 2018). See if your community is eligible maryland.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappvie…

Family League of Baltimore seeks a VISTA member to join their Youth Development Team. my.americorps.gov/mp/listing/vie… Rosov Consulting seeks a Research Operations Assistant to support their team with logistical, administrative, research, & communications tasks. app.dover.io/apply/Rosov%20…

Chrysalis Collaborations has an immediate opening for a PT position conducting qualitative interviews. Skills & experience conducting open-ended interviews required. To apply, send skills resume and brief cover letter to [email protected]. No phone calls.