Ayub Macharia (@ayubmacharia) 's Twitter Profile
Ayub Macharia


Holds a PhD in Environmental issues; worked as high school teacher, Heritage Educator; Lecturer at University; Director at National Environment Agency in Kenya

ID: 159750530

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Ayub Macharia (@ayubmacharia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kenya's priorities in the upcoming Global Plastics Pollution treaty include upstream, midstream and downstream measures, sectoral strategies, national action plans and reporting, sustainable financial mechanisms, EPR, subsidiary bodies & public awareness mazingirasafi.com/kenyas-priorit…

Ayub Macharia (@ayubmacharia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Jericho town, with pleasant surroundings, had bad water & unproductive land. Elisha asked for salt in new bowl, applied to the spring, healing it & the water is safe ever since. Salt & bowl though sourced locally, could not heal the spring without the man of God. 2 Kings 2:19

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The pathway to heaven is not all smooth. Jesus said “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. Luke 9:23. Following Jesus has a cost.

Ayub Macharia (@ayubmacharia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Cost of following Jesus 1. Deny yourself lust of the flesh, eyes, pride of life. 2. Carry your cross - absolutely surrender to God as one would face ridicule and disgrace along the way. 3. Follow Him daily - live as per His teachings all the time Luke 9:26

Ayub Macharia (@ayubmacharia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In this tough journey to heaven, Jesus is "the way, the truth, & the life. No one can come to the Father except through Him" John 14:6. Jesus also said "I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come & go freely & will find good pastures. John 10:9

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Moses sent 12 spies to Jericho (Numbers 13). Ten brought bad news that it was not possible to conquer Jericho (13:31). God was unhappy with disbelief & condemned them never to enter Caanan (14:22). Only their children entered Caanan. God hates unbelief. God's promises are true.

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Battle to conquer Jericho was a spiritual war. Priests led the match with the Ark of the covenant and blowing of horns while the people remained quiet. On the seventh match, priests blew horns and people shouted loudly. The walls of Jericho fell (Joshua 6). God loves obedience.

Ayub Macharia (@ayubmacharia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The scripture is under attack from the devil, false prophets, false teachers, non-believers. And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force (Mathew 11:12, Ephesians 6:12)

Ayub Macharia (@ayubmacharia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

God's name and His word are the most exalted above everything else. But God's word is the most exalted. God becomes subject of His word and ensures its fulfilled. We validate prophesy by the word of God. The word is God breathed, reaching us by inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Ayub Macharia (@ayubmacharia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

God's word is same till eternity. It does not change with seasons or generations. God's word is the benchmark and reference point where all human wisdom should be grounded. Devil tries to cunningly alter God's word, using scriptures (Genesis 3:1) to cast doubt on the Word.

Ayub Macharia (@ayubmacharia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Satan said to Eve “Did God tell you not to eat fruit from any tree in the garden?” Eve said “We may eat fruit of any tree in the garden, except the tree in the middle of it. God told us not to eat fruit of that tree or even touch it; if we do, we will die.” Genesis 3:1-3

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God's word is His testimony, promises, character. It is sure, to be trusted. Those who believe it get eternal life. It is able to transform those who are simple. It makes people wise, to discern good and evil. God's word will transition us to our next life, with God.

Ayub Macharia (@ayubmacharia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Those that Good has blessed, no one can curse them. "I have been instructed to bless, And when God blesses, I cannot call it back. I foresee that Israel's future Will bring her no misfortune or trouble. The Lord their God is with them" . Numbers 23:20-21 GNT

Ayub Macharia (@ayubmacharia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Everything must be done in a proper and orderly way (1 Corinthians 14:40). God is a master planner and created things sequentiary ie light, atmosphere, land, sun, moon, stars, animals, humans in that order. Imagine if man was the first to be created, what would have happened?

Ayub Macharia (@ayubmacharia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The word of God is a precious deposit entrusted to us. We should guard it earnestly as there are many enemies out to degrade it. Our thoughts are a major entry for our enemies. "Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts" . Proverbs 4:23