Ayad Al-Ani (@ayad_al_ani) 's Twitter Profile
Ayad Al-Ani



ID: 1548392858

linkhttp://ayad-al-ani.com calendar_today26-06-2013 14:57:22

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Ayad Al-Ani (@ayad_al_ani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Über die Rolle der KI als Vermittlerin von Religion, Technologie als Quasi-Religion und als Baustein des globalen Kollektiven Bewusstseins: (ohne Bezahlschranke) Einstein Center Digital Future Martin Lätzel Stimmen der Zeit herder.de/stz/hefte/arch…

Ayad Al-Ani (@ayad_al_ani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It was great to give a lecture for Master students in Int. Communication #unierfurt: can Cloud Communities influence the nation state? What can the individual do? (Building personal networks, create projects …): to create is to resist! ips-journal.eu/work-and-digit…

It was great to give a lecture for Master students in Int. Communication #unierfurt: can Cloud Communities  influence the nation state? What can the individual do? (Building personal networks, create projects …): to create is to resist! ips-journal.eu/work-and-digit…
Ayad Al-Ani (@ayad_al_ani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Über die Rolle der Technologie für Religionen: kommt es durch Personalisierungen zu einem philosophisch/religiösen Revival? Wie reagieren Weltreligionen darauf, dass ihre Inhalte adaptiert/neu kombiniert werden? jesuiten.org/news/religion-… Einstein Center Digital Future

Ayad Al-Ani (@ayad_al_ani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Weil es immer noch aktuell ist oder eher immer aktueller wird: Über die Funktion der "unteren Kaste" - Oder warum eine Integration „der anderen“ in die Gesellschaft gar nicht erwünscht ist. derstandard.at/story/20000420…

regine debatty (@wmmna) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In this episode, Nora Al-Badri talks about decolonisation, repatriation of cultural artefacts and why she used #deepfake to make the directors of Western museums admit “the truth about imperial plunder” we-make-money-not-art.com/tacticspractic… aksioma #Pixxelpoint GO! 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia

In this episode, <a href="/NoraAlbadri/">Nora Al-Badri</a> talks about decolonisation, repatriation of cultural artefacts and why she used #deepfake to make the directors of Western museums admit “the truth about imperial plunder” we-make-money-not-art.com/tacticspractic… <a href="/aksiomaorg/">aksioma</a> #Pixxelpoint <a href="/2025Go/">GO! 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia</a>
Ayad Al-Ani (@ayad_al_ani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My interview on religion and AI now translated: Should Religion Engage with Technology and AI? jesuits.eu/news/2783-reli…

Ayad Al-Ani (@ayad_al_ani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fascinating discussion with insurance execs about transforming the industry into a force that makes society more resilient. Building this capacity requires mastering digital technology & new services i.e. „interpreting signs from the future“ Einstein Center Digital Future VIG

Fascinating discussion with insurance execs about transforming the industry into a force that makes society more resilient. Building this capacity requires mastering digital technology &amp; new services i.e. „interpreting signs from the future“ <a href="/ECDigitalFuture/">Einstein Center Digital Future</a> <a href="/ViennaInsurance/">VIG</a>
Ayad Al-Ani (@ayad_al_ani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sometimes I wonder if all those SF stories (Foundation, Battlestar Galactica …) are signs from the future to be implement anytime soon …

Ayad Al-Ani (@ayad_al_ani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Giving more control and power to individuals and communities—an essential topic of the early stages of digitization—is no longer discussed for obvious reasons. This is what you get when avoiding conflict with the elitist neoliberal order.

Ayad Al-Ani (@ayad_al_ani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Presentation at #SmartAgriEgypt: Climate Change demands more radical solutions (eg CEA). AI’s energy demand swamps efficiency gains. Data & chemical companies are taking over (India/China) Alternatives: state-controlled data sets & cooperatives. Einstein Center Digital Future

Presentation at #SmartAgriEgypt: Climate Change demands more radical solutions (eg CEA). AI’s energy demand swamps efficiency gains. Data &amp; chemical companies are taking over (India/China) Alternatives: state-controlled data sets &amp; cooperatives. <a href="/ECDigitalFuture/">Einstein Center Digital Future</a>
Ayad Al-Ani (@ayad_al_ani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great discussion at the Institute for #StrategicManagement tuhh on how technical and societal imaginations can shape and guide strategic processes & capability build-up. With examples from cultural institutions, insurance & #smartagriculture Einstein Center Digital Future

Great discussion at the Institute for #StrategicManagement <a href="/tuhh/">tuhh</a> on how technical and societal imaginations can shape and guide strategic processes &amp; capability build-up. With examples from cultural institutions, insurance &amp; #smartagriculture <a href="/ECDigitalFuture/">Einstein Center Digital Future</a>
Ayad Al-Ani (@ayad_al_ani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Reconstructing sites with AI: I asked to generate a image of #CastronMefaa (UmerRessas) in Jordan from the 5th century based on mosaics found on church floors. Astonishing but probably not too accurate. Note: the cross from the column was removed in the 8th century (right)

Reconstructing sites with AI: I asked to generate a image of #CastronMefaa (UmerRessas) in Jordan from the 5th century based on mosaics found on church floors. Astonishing but probably not too accurate. Note: the cross from the column was removed in the 8th century (right)
Michel Bauwens (@mbauwens) 's Twitter Profile Photo

* "we have entered an era of PSYOP Capitalism". media.ccc.de/v/37c3-12326-y… "As AI-generated content, social-media influence operations, micro-targeted advertising, and ubiquitous surveillance have become the norm on the Internet and in the market in general, we have entered an era

Ayad Al-Ani (@ayad_al_ani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It might be a remarkable coincidence that the map of #Technation proposed by the #Technocracy movement in the 1930s resembles Trump's new geographical ambitions. It is equally coincidental that Elon Musk's grandfather was a leader within that movement. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technocra…

It might be a remarkable coincidence that the map of #Technation proposed by the #Technocracy movement in the 1930s resembles Trump's new geographical ambitions. It is equally coincidental that Elon Musk's grandfather was a leader within that movement.

Ayad Al-Ani (@ayad_al_ani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A tough ride through the topics of digital society (platforms, cloud organizations, entrepreneurial beta states, individual production …), the current weirdness (consciousness modification), and the role of cultural organizations (places for change?) Universität Basel Einstein Center Digital Future

A tough ride through the topics of digital society (platforms, cloud organizations, entrepreneurial beta states, individual production …), the current weirdness (consciousness modification), and the role of cultural organizations (places for change?)
 <a href="/UniBasel/">Universität Basel</a> <a href="/ECDigitalFuture/">Einstein Center Digital Future</a>