Antonio Wolff, MD (#HealthPolicyIsEconomicPolicy)
med onc @JHBreastGyn @HopkinsKimmel @HopkinsMedicine, @JohnsHopkins professor, @CLOSLER member. @ASCO fellow @eaonc breast chair @SusanGKomen scholar 🇧🇷/🇺🇲
ID: 14543524 26-04-2008 12:50:52
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Grateful to learn from a full house of Pathologists & talk about our work ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center JHBreastGynResearch Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium! Thank you Anne Vincent-Salomon Hannah Wen for the invitation. Privileged to share the podium w/ the brilliant emadrakha Caterina Marchiò & Dr Cimino-Mathews Johns Hopkins Pathology
We are excited to have this trial open for patients with #metastatic #breastcancer treated an NCI community oncology practices #NCORP ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group Antonio Wolff, MD (#HealthPolicyIsEconomicPolicy) Ruth Carlos Ilana G Lynne I Wagner PhD
Excellent Spring Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium meeting reviewing active trials, data and new concepts! Follow us for more information!
Full house at the start of JHBreastGynResearch Annual Research Retreat! Grateful to Mikala Egeblad, PhD Mikala Egeblad to kick us off & setting the bar high with her "NETworking in #BrCa " talk. Thankful to Eneda Toska Lab for putting together a great program. Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center
What a trio of ACRA Award recipients, including Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center JHBreastGynResearch Cesar Santa-Maria, MD! Congratulations to all in the Class of #ASCO24 Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundation awardees and their mentors! ASCO
This is what qualifies for an oncologist to be in the presence of a rock star Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli ! #asco24 Judy Gichoya Suresh S. Ramalingam, MD, FASCO
TBCRC058 aims to evaluate treatment in metastatic ER-negative / ER-low AR+ breast cancer. Learn more about the study at #ASCO24 Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium
ETHAN - groundbreaking new Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium trial for male breast cancer led by PI Dr. Pablo Leone. #ASCO24 Learn more at…
PI Dr. Tiffany Traina presenting the actively enrolling TBCRC058 trial #ASCO24 Rita Nanda Find more info at:…
Tomorrow #ASCO24 check out Nadine Tung MD present #TBCRC048 olaparib expanded cohorts of gPALB2 and sBRCA MBC, one of the most rewarding studies I’ve managed in the last decade and a testament to the power of investigator-initiated research BIDMC Dana-Farber’s Breast Oncology Center Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium
TBCRC048 is a collaborative IST led by #DFHCC and was open at 11 academic centers across the US via Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium - thank you to the incredibly dedicated study teams at each of the sites and, most importantly, the 114 participants, many of whom traveled great distances for the study
As seen today at #ASCO24 - TBCRC026, HER2-E and tumors with increased immune signaling more likely to respond to HER2-directed therapy in ER-/HER2+ breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant HP without chemo. Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium Maeve Hennessy
#TrialsThatImpactPatientCare Congratulations to the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group EAZ171 Team! #ASCO24 See full press release… and simultaneous JCO paper…
So grateful, Tarah Ballinger, MD. We are privileged that you chose to bring your brilliance to ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group and brighten the work we do to improve care for our patients. NCI Cancer Control #ASCO24
It was a treat to do the Highlights of the Day I - Breast Ca Metastatic, and contextualize the great work of presenters and discussants. Thou shalt not forget to watch the fantastic talk by discussant Mayo Clinic Dr. Ciara O'Sullivan.