I have a bizarre relationship with this movie . I watch it ironically every year , so in a lot of respects it’s my favorite movie. But when someone likes it for being “good” and thinks it’s a good sports movie it makes me viscerally angry.
Every playoff season there’s a series that teams get so beat up they basically forfeit the chance for a deep run. That feels like Canucks Preds this year, especially if it goes seven. Will be an accomplishment just to get to round 2
Quinn Hughes is the Norris winner but this is a new experience for him. The bubble wasn’t real playoffs. He’s feeling it and now starting to hear footsteps. Hard hockey
This is not poking fun. I feel like we should have actual concern for Auston Matthews. There is no virus/ food poisoning/ bug possibly bad enough to not get IV’d/ doctored /medicated and do your best to at least be 50% in an elimination game.
It’s either really bad, or… wtf
Vancouver is going to riot at some points this playoffs. Not trying to make a cliche joke . They need a police presence because it’s going to happen. And it’s sad. I feel bad for the few good fans who treat the city with respect