ID: 1307045462378119169
18-09-2020 19:55:06
47 Tweet
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Thank you to Jasraj Singh Hallan 🇨🇦 for taking time out of your busy day to meet with us and share insight into your work and your experiences. We learned to always give 110% effort and to respect the views of others, even if they're different from our own. #learning

Definitely feeling very thankful for our wonderful students at Chief Justice Milvain . Walked into the classroom to find some gifts and kind notes from my students. Yes, one of the gifts was a brand new clock for the classroom (now we have two!)!

I realize I haven't been posting regularly ... here's what we've been up to! ... Expressing our identity through art ❤ Jasdeep Rai Ms. J Gill (she, her, hers) Chief Justice Milvain

We've also been working on our artist study. This set features our unique take on the "impasto" technique of painting and Van Gogh's art. Jasdeep Rai Ms. J Gill (she, her, hers) Chief Justice Milvain

One more Tweet! Thank you to Rod Hartmann for his work on using SEEI to share our learning of equality as balance in mathematics. Chief Justice Milvain