Avril Deegan (@avril_deegan) 's Twitter Profile
Avril Deegan


👩‍💻PhD researcher @DCUPsychology in partnership with @IrishResesrch and @BreakthroCancer

💛childhood cancer survivor

🏃‍♀️Sports scholar @DCUAthletics

ID: 1491373686133301258

calendar_today09-02-2022 11:29:44

131 Tweet


540 Following

Avril Deegan (@avril_deegan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As part of my PhD I am conducting research on a very important topic - life after childhood leukaemia. Please follow, like & retweet Life After Childhood Leukaemia for more info & updates on this research! This research is being funded by the IrishResearch & Breakthrough Cancer Research Thank you!!🎗️

Avril Deegan (@avril_deegan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Delighted to have played a part in this very informative systematic review published in Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions on the use of single-case group contingency interventions for targeting prosocial & antisocial behaviour in school-aged children. Ciara Brennan Sinéad Smyth Clare Bohan

Dr Chiara Besani (@lastrachiara) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations!! Very proud of you and all the work in the area of paediatric psycho-oncology! It’s a privileged to be in the research team together. Well done

Breakthrough Cancer Research (@breakthrocancer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In our latest #PhDLife video, Avril Deegan, Dublin City University PhD student, discusses her #ChildhoodLeukemia research. We're looking forward to seeing how Avril's research progresses to make a positive difference for children with cancer and their families. #CancerResearch #MakeMoreSurvivors

Childhood Cancer Ireland (@childhoodcanire) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Some highlights from day 2 CCI Europe 🎗️ conference with parents and survivors. 🎗️Update on smartCARE app for survivors. 🎗️Dr Chiara Besani, Children's Health Ireland on psychological support 🎗️Patricia McColgan on transition from paediatric to adult services.

Some highlights from day 2 <a href="/cci_europe/">CCI Europe 🎗️</a> conference with parents and survivors. 

🎗️Update on smartCARE app for survivors. 
🎗️<a href="/LastraChiara/">Dr Chiara Besani</a>, <a href="/CHI_Ireland/">Children's Health Ireland</a> on psychological support
🎗️<a href="/PatriciaMcColg/">Patricia McColgan</a> on transition from paediatric to adult services.
Childhood Cancer Ireland (@childhoodcanire) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great opportunity to present the development and delivery of our nationwide parent workshops, a psycho-social intervention supporting families after treatment / at end of treatment phase. CCI Europe 🎗️ #childhoodcancer

Great opportunity to present the development and delivery of our nationwide parent workshops, a psycho-social intervention supporting families after treatment / at end of treatment phase. <a href="/cci_europe/">CCI Europe 🎗️</a> #childhoodcancer
Avril Deegan (@avril_deegan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Very grateful to be invited by Childhood Cancer Ireland to attend this years CCI Europe 🎗️ SIOPE 🎗️ conference in Milan, Italy. The conference provides a great opportunity for countries to share ideas, learn from each other & collaborate. #ccieurope2024 #siopeurope2024

Very grateful to be invited by <a href="/ChildhoodCanIre/">Childhood Cancer Ireland</a> to attend this years <a href="/cci_europe/">CCI Europe 🎗️</a> <a href="/SIOPEurope/">SIOPE 🎗️</a> conference in Milan, Italy. 

The conference provides a great opportunity for countries to share ideas, learn from each other &amp; collaborate.

#ccieurope2024 #siopeurope2024
Breakthrough Cancer Research (@breakthrocancer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

PhD student and researcher Avril Deegan emphasises the importance of seeking support and prioritising emotional well-being during and after a cancer diagnosis. Reactions differ from person-to-person and it's important to get as much support as possible. #PhDLife #PsychoOncology

Life After Childhood Leukaemia (@childhood_leuk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just around a month ago, I was in Milan at the SIOPE 🎗️ CCI Europe 🎗️ conference! What a great opportunity this was to learn & collaborate with people from all over Europe. Thanks to Childhood Cancer Ireland for making this possible! #childhoodcancer #childhoodcancersurvivorship

Breakthrough Cancer Research (@breakthrocancer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Survivor of #ChildhoodLeukaemia Avril Deegan is one of our PhD students Dublin City University She's researching resilience, social support & quality of life amongst childhood leukaemia survivors and their parents. Watch as Avril talks about the importance of support during and after treatment.

Avril Deegan (@avril_deegan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The 4th Annual CAYAS (Childhood, Adolescent & Young Adult Cancers & Survivorship) Conference takes place on Sat 5th October Hosted by Childhood Cancer Ireland & CanTeen Ireland CAYAS highlights the lived experience alongside medical experts Register now at cayasireland.ie

The 4th Annual CAYAS (Childhood, Adolescent &amp; Young Adult Cancers &amp; Survivorship) Conference takes place on Sat 5th October

Hosted by <a href="/ChildhoodCanIre/">Childhood Cancer Ireland</a> &amp; <a href="/CanTeen_Ireland/">CanTeen Ireland</a> CAYAS highlights the lived experience alongside medical experts

Register now at cayasireland.ie