Young Oncologist Group of Australia (YOGA), supports professional development, networking and education of young Medical Oncologists.
ID: 1182287362253979649
https://www.moga.org.au/yoga-committee 10-10-2019 13:30:58
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Dr Bob Li giving his time to the ausyoungoncs audience #MOGA24 Medical Oncology Group of Australia

A fireside chat with Bob Li - wise, inspirational and thought-provoking insights for young oncologists • Align your work with your passion/drive •Mentors are invaluable and the relationship is 2-way •Have a goal and plan •Challenge the status quo Medical Oncology Group of Australia ausyoungoncs

Fantastic night! Great night getting together with YOGIs from across 🇦🇺 #MOGA24 Jennifer Lim Chloe Shalini Subramaniam Abhijit Pal Dr Sarah Heynemann Dr Andrew Parsonson Liz Connolly Dr Adrian Chye Medical Oncology Group of Australia

Dr Bob Li delivered a compelling presentation - “Cure4Cancer: A Multi-stakeholder International Movement in Patient-Centric Clinical Trials R&D” at MOGA24 Medical Oncology Group of Australia Melissa Eastgate Melissa Eastgate Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Cure4Cancer Linda Mileshkin Liz Connolly

Phew, a few more years before we’ll be replaced! Frank Lin Medical Oncology Group of Australia ausyoungoncs #MOGA24

Congratulations to Dr Walid Zwieky and Dr Su Win core medical oncology trainees from the NeMMO training network for presenting their research at #MOGA24 🙌 Dr Deme Karikios Dhanusha Sabanathan John Park Nepean Blue Mts LHD Macquarie University Medical Oncology Group of Australia

📣 Applications close in 3 weeks! The Early Career Researcher Award aims to foster career growth & recognise a superb early-career clinician-researcher or translational scientist in #GICancer. Submit by Mon, 9 Sept, 9am AEST @ gicancer.org.au/EarlyCareer #AGITG24 ausyoungoncs

About last night… networking with young (and not so young) oncologists 🇦🇺 #YOGA #MOGA24 Medical Oncology Group of Australia Dr Deme Karikios Liz Connolly Dr Andrew Parsonson i luv me some chemo jess smith Dr Adrian Chye Chloe Rhiannon Mellor

Thanks Jenny Jia (Jenny) Liu for the update NECTA at #MOGA24 Medical Oncology Group of Australia Dr Deme Karikios Malinda Itchins ONCODOC Linda Mileshkin Liz Connolly Annie Wong 黃毅敏 Melissa Eastgate collaboration in action!

The best part about MOGA is the catch ups with friends made at previous MOGAs! #MOGACairns22 #MOGA24 Medical Oncology Group of Australia ausyoungoncs Rhiannon Mellor

Congratulations Lawrence Kasherman winner of the young Onc oral prize! Fantastic research with Janette Vardy A/Prof Jo Shaw Ash Malalasekera Sim (Cindy) Tan So great to be flying the flag for qualitative research in survivorship and with CALD populations! #MOGA24 Medical Oncology Group of Australia

Is metastatic cancer curable? Seeking perspectives of oncologists and trainees who treat solid tumours. 🔗: tinyurl.com/vfcwjmac ⏱️: <15mins ✅: med/clin oncs from 🌎🌍🌏 Medical Oncology Group of Australia ausyoungoncs ANZUP Thoracic Oncology Group of Australasia OncoAlert #OncTwitter

#YoungOncologists have been recurrently reported to be at high risk of #burnout. 💡Are there any other initiatives/suggestions which you think might be helpful? #ESMO4Carers Matteo Lambertini, MD PhD #ESMOYOC Mandy Lauw YoungEHA Dr Andrew Parsonson ausyoungoncs Young Oncologists Group India🇮🇳 Young SIOG