Austin Kramer
Store Manager at THE4301 Sioux Falls. Thoughts here are my own.
ID: 1049839608144556033
10-10-2018 01:50:42
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InFocus Team member Onix cleaning up a trip hazard in outside garden. Thank you for taking care of associates and customers! #safetyselfieNP onix f. padilla Austin Kramer @MattWorkmanTHD Nicole Pennell Jack Lower Kelly Connors
First AD Set with new MASM @lagasse_josh is in the books! Ready for a big weekend at #THE4301. Christine Dahl Kelly Connors Tom Gargano Tony Troia Becky Walker Jon Hansen
A refreshed, full look for some prime sales real estate Sioux Falls Home Depot #4301 !! Austin Kramer @lagasse_josh Becky Walker Nicole Pennell Tony Troia Scott Sweeney
COS Dawn using the right cart, wearing gloves, and asking for help with a team lift. (Fellow lifter taking picture.) Way to stay safe! #SafetyselfieNP Austin Kramer Nicole Pennell @lagasse_josh @MattWorkmanTHD
Back Office Associate Angie helping keep Receiving clean and safe!! Thanks for your help and Great Job wearing your gloves!! Sioux Falls Home Depot #4301 @MattWorkmanTHD Austin Kramer Becky Walker @lagasse_josh Jack Lower #safetyselfieNP #safetyispersonal
MET associate Kaydee and Kaylee recognizing MAPM @MattWorkmanTHD for helping them fix a slip, trip, and fall issue during a visit today! #oneteamonedream @KevinMasseyTHD Kelly Connors Nicole Pennell Becky Walker @lagasse_josh Jack Lower
Caught D27 Associste Kirk in his aisles sweeping up debris! Thanks for keeping your aisles clean and hazard free!! #SafetySelfieNP #SafetyIsPersonal @MattWorkmanTHD Kelly Connors Austin Kramer @lagasse_josh Becky Walker Nicole Pennell
Spotted Hayden pulling BOPIS orders and opening these boxes with his safety knife while wearing gloves! Great Job Hayden! @MattWorkmanTHD Austin Kramer @lagasse_josh Becky Walker Nicole Pennell #safetyselfieNP #SafetyIsPersonal
Caught Becky Walker wearing her gloves while cleaning up pallets during a busy weekend in the Garden Center! Thanks for working safe and helping clean up in Garden! Nicole Pennell Austin Kramer @MattWorkmanTHD @lagasse_josh #safetyselfieNP #safetyispersonal
MASM Josh and team demonstrating some top to bottom merchandising at #THE4301 #Builtforspeed Tony Troia Tim Hodges Kelly Connors Scott Sweeney @lagasse_josh Becky Walker
Services Desk Associate Tabbitha wearing her gloves while working with some returned air duct pipe. Great Job staying safe by wearing your gloves!! @MattWorkmanTHD Austin Kramer Becky Walker @lagasse_josh Jack Lower #safetyispersonal #safetyselfieNP
Caught Mike D28 associate packing down and working see a hole fill a hole this morning! SASM Becky Walker and Pro DS Christine Dahl taking a timeout to walk PFOTW with Mike! @BobPold Kelly Connors Jon Hansen
The road to 365 has crossed another milestone Sioux Falls Home Depot #4301 !! 210 days safe and counting... Congratulations team & let’s keep working In Focus! Popcorn & Drinks for all! Nicole Pennell Austin Kramer Becky Walker @lagasse_josh @MattWorkmanTHD #safetyselfieNP #safetytakeseveryone
Honored to present Becky Walker with her Diamond Homer award milestone this morning! Kelly Connors Tom Gargano Jon Hansen Justin Gray Dillon Musilek Melissa Beth Belford Scott Sweeney Ninlou
#NPPA2021 #ProXtraPerks we are rocking and rolling here at #4301. Vendors. Food truck. Giveaways. 7 Pro Xtra sign-ups today. Some great conversations. Woohoo! Austin Kramer Jon Hansen @BobPold Christine Dahl Kelly Connors
Great vendor partnership with our TTI rep Lindsey resulting in an almost $6000 sale! @lagasse_josh Kelly Connors Austin Kramer Jack Lower Becky Walker Nicole Pennell
Our Elf friend Homer decided to sneak away and give all the associates little kisses... #funwith4301 Austin Kramer Ninlou ChristineD @lagasse_josh Nicole Pennell Sioux Falls Home Depot #4301 Carey Dui = Dew Drop Duvall
Although I didn't get a picture of everyone wearing their Holiday Headwear (me included) here are a few. Our ASM's showing their Pride. Love it. #funwith4301 Austin Kramer Nicole Pennell Ninlou @lagasse_josh Becky Walker
#kidsworkshop back in full swing at #the4301! Scott Sweeney Kelly Connors Tom Gargano Happy Mother’s Day weekend!