Audrey M. Plan
Postdoc @UCDLawSchool 🖋️
PhD @TCDPolSci and @TCDLawSchool 🎓
Intl Courts, Intl Law and Judicial dialogue 📚
Nothing a cup of coffee (or five) won't fix ☕
ID: 940967042705960961 13-12-2017 15:30:00
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Representing UCD Sutherland School of Law University College Dublin with fellow postdoc Mina Hosseini at UACES! 🇮🇪🍀 (coffee not featured, but definitely still there ☕) #uaces2024
Continuing #UACES2024 with a fantastic panel of EUFUTURESnetwork on litigating digital rights in the EU, with Elaine Fahey Rebecca Zahn and Fabian Treppan! UACES
And wrapping up day 1 of #uaces2024 : a conversation on 🇪🇺 #RuleOfLaw #humanrights and judicial independance, with Sarah Ganty, Dimitry Kochenov, Gareth Davies, chaired by Aleksandra Ancite-Jepifánova ! UACES
What a day to present #RightsToUnite in #UACES2024 ! Morning panel with Jonas Bornemann , Marja-Liisa Öberg and Lorenzo Cecchetti , chaired by Moritz Jesse! 🌞 Thank you to everyone for the great discussion and energy in this panel ! European Research Council (ERC) UCD Sutherland School of Law UACES
Last UACES plenary, with Kateryna Pishchikova, Stephanie Hofmann and prof toni haastrup, on (re ?) discovering geopolitics in the EU (studies). So many brilliant women academics have been featured in the plenaries throughout the conference, and equally in the panels! #uaces2024
My face when universities tell PhD students to come to a yoga class to reduce stress instead of paying them a reasonable stipend, creating secure jobs and career pathways, and protecting students from bullying, discrimination and harassment The PhD Place #AcademicMentalHealth