Anne Stroppe
Research associate @gesis_org | Team @_kodaqs_
| (German) Elections | Political Science | Political Geography | Open Science | Data Quality
ID: 715102500634894337
30-03-2016 09:04:56
176 Tweet
489 Following

What does 'place' even mean for #farright politics, and how is it linked to populist radical right attitudes in #Germany & elsewhere? Glad that you asked, and super happy that European Political Science Review has just published our (Theresa Be &me) answer (open access) cambridge.org/core/journals/…

Warum haben Städte oft grüne Kerne und schwarze Ränder? Ich konnte mit dem Team von ZEIT ONLINE über ihre spannenden Analysen und Karten zum Wahlverhalten sprechen.

#jobs #stellenangebote #jobfairy Starting asap our Team National #ElectionStudies, located in #Mannheim, is looking for a #ResearchAssociate (#PostDoc) for the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) (Salary group 13 TV-L, working time 95%, limited until 14.10.2024 as a substitute): hidden-professionals.de/HPv3.Jobs/gesi…

*Introduction to Geospatial Techniques for Social Scientists in R* by Stefan Jünger & Anne Stroppe. 🗓️ 23 - 24 April 2024 🏢 Cologne 🌐 bit.ly/geospatialtech…

#Wahlverhalten in #Städten: Mein Viertel, eine Blase Artikel in ZEIT ONLINE - mit dabei: GESIS-Kollegin Anne Stroppe: Deutschlands Städte sind politisch geteilt. Erstmals zeigen exklusive Daten das Wahlverhalten in mehr als 260 Städten: zeit.de/politik/deutsc…

*Introduction to Geospatial Techniques for Social Scientists in R* by Anne Stroppe & Stefan Jünger. 🗓️ 23 - 24 April 2024 🏢 Cologne 🌐 bit.ly/geospatialtech…

Very happy to see our article "Location matters! Geospatial dynamics of MP responses to Covid-19 protests in multilevel systems" out in EJPR journal: doi.org/10.1111/1475-6… Thanks for the great teamwork Lennart Schürmann & Noam Himmelrath. See Lennart's thread for more details👇

I will be teaching two courses in Bayesian stats in Spring 2025 GESIS Training: 1⃣ Introduction to Bayesian Statistics, March 19-21 2⃣ Advanced Bayesian Statistical Modeling, May 20-22 A quick 🧵for those wondering if they should sign up for one, the other, or both.