Prof. Dr. Astrid Ensslin
Professor of Digital Cultures and Communication, University of Regensburg. I keep Tweeting @astridensslin.bsky.social
ID: 14054390
https://astridensslin.wordpress.com/ 28-02-2008 12:34:14
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Delighted to share that my monograph "Incels and Ideologies: Exploring How Incels Use Language to Construct Gender and Race" is now published with Palgrave Language and Linguistics's Studies in Language, Gender and Sexuality series! : link.springer.com/book/10.1007/9… #gender #racism #incels ManMetUni Languages

📢NEXT WEEK Feb. 13: workshop "Games Canon & Games History" Zoom Link: temporal-communities.de/events/2024/vi… w/ Prof. Dr. Astrid Ensslin Daniel Martin Feige Mirek Stolee, James Newman, Stefanie Kuschill, Rudolf Inders, Timo Rouget, Markus Spöhrer, Matthias Oborski (Computerspielemuseum), Andreas Rauscher et al

Had fun speaking my thesis at the Digital Area Studies Lab, Department of Interdisciplinary and Multiscalar Area Studies, Universität Regensburg where I am an Associate Researcher! Thanks Prof. Dr. Astrid Ensslin! Sessions like these are invaluable for us as they set the writing wheels in motion.

Aurelia Brandenburg Tobias Unterhuber Letztes Beispiel: Prof. Dr. Astrid Ensslin zum „politischen Potenzial der Folk Mechanic in indigenen Videospielen“. #GameStudies 5/

Really pleased to see this today! Prof. Dr. Astrid Ensslin and I have worked on this research for 10 years. I learned a lot and couldn’t have asked for a better collaborator. Available open access as of next week via routledge.com/Reading-Digita… Watch this space for the next chapter…

Was geht derzeit eigentlich in der Forschung zu Videospielen? Unsere Stuttgarter DH-Studentin Hanna Weimann hat das Symposium "Videogames as Folkworlds" von Prof. Dr. Astrid Ensslin an der Universität Regensburg besucht und berichtet hier davon: ilw.uni-stuttgart.de/institut/aktue… #DHStuttgart

Brilliant news: Christine Wilks digital fiction for body image narrative therapy, Voices, has been shortlisted for the Chris Meade Main Prize and Social Good categories the New Media Writing Prize. writing-new-bodies.web.app/home Please cast your vote here: newmediawritingprize.co.uk/opening-up-202…

I'm thrilled that my digital fiction, Voices, has been shortlisted for the NewMediaWritingPrize in Main & Social Good categories: newmediawritingprize.co.uk/2023-shortlist/ #elit

Morgen ist es wieder soweit: Wir laden zum offenen MA-Kolloquiums ein. Diese Woche spricht Prof. Dr. Astrid Ensslin über Game Studies & DH. Wir dürfen uns auf spannende Fallbeispiele zu Textualität & Sprache und kritischen Genderfragen freuen. Mehr: ilw.uni-stuttgart.de/institut/aktue…

Pre-web Digital Publishing and the Lore of Electronic Literature by Prof. Dr. Astrid Ensslin is a great look into some early digital writing: forms, visions, distribution models, affordances, limitations, etc. – focusing on the Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext's run from 1994-1995.

Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to join the #hypertext research community at the 1st ACM Hypertext #SummerSchool. Deadline extended to 14 June! Funding available! Scholars, pls share with your #PhD or #Master students. → ht.acm.org/ht2024/worksho… ACM Hypertext 2024 Association for Computing Machinery