AstoriaMusicFestival (@astoriamusfest) 's Twitter Profile


The official twitter of the Astoria Music Festival in historic Astoria, OR. Visit us at!

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AstoriaMusicFestival (@astoriamusfest) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today is TOSCA featuring Angela Brown ,Allan Glassman, Richard Zeller and a slew of emerging young professionals!! Join us at the Liberty Theater in Astoria, Oregon at 4pm for an electrifying afternoon! Tickets still available at #AMF2018

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Join us tonight in the Masonic Lodge for a concert by the “Virtuosi Chamber Players” led by Olivia Tsui!! It will be an incredible experience. Program is free but donations are accepted at the door!!! #AMF2018

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It’s our first performance of The Marriage of Figaro tonight at the PAC starting at 7:30 with a pre show lecture at 7 by Maestro Keith Clark! Join us for an incredible show! #AMF2018

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Join us at 4pm for a performance by the Agniezska Laska dancers at the Liberty Theater OREGON BIRD SKETCHES!! Will be a thrilling afternoon!!! #AMF2018

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At 7pm tonight join us for CONCERT MASTERS, the grand finale to our Chamber Music series with Festival favorites Cary Lewis, Sarah Kwak, and new members Vali Phillips, Jeff Thayer and Rowena Hammill playing gorgeous ensembles. #AMF2018

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Please join us in an hour to see Agniezska Laska and her incredible dancers for Oregon Bird Sketches at 4pm at the Liberty Theater! Including the incredible Adaiha MacAdam Somer on the viola di gamba!! An incredible afternoon to kick off our last two days. #AMF2018

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Tonight is our CONCERT MASTER chamber music grand finale!!! Join us at the Liberty at 7:30! Cary Lewis, Sarah Kwak, Jeff Thayer, Vali Phillips and Rowena Hammill are ready to stun you! #AMF2018

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Today is the grand finale of the Astoria Music Festival 2018!! We’re wrapping up with The Marriage of Figaro this afternoon at the PAC at 3pm! Tickets are still available at the door! We’ll see you there! #AMF2018

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The Astoria Music Festival would like to send warmest thanks to our spectacular musicians, our staff in the office , our volunteers and MOST IMPORTANTLY our wonderful audiences who supported us with you presence and financial gifts. See you next year for #AMF2019 Stay tunes here!

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Didn’t get enough TOSCA at the Astoria Music Festival??? Join us for AMF favorites for round 2 with Angela Brown Richard Zeller, Allan Glassman, Deac Guidi, Zachary Lenox and Tom Cilluffo at 6pm Saturday in the Washington Park Amphitheater!!

Arwen Myers (@sopranoarwen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fan-girling out about this English program with @theorbulator, Monica Hugget, Adam LaMotte & Adaiha MacAdam-Somer for Portland Baroque Orchestra! All Classical Radio today at 3pm & concert tomorrow night. 🎶

Fan-girling out about this English program with @theorbulator, Monica Hugget, Adam LaMotte &amp; Adaiha MacAdam-Somer for <a href="/portlandbaroque/">Portland Baroque Orchestra</a>! <a href="/AllClassicalPDX/">All Classical Radio</a> today at 3pm &amp; concert tomorrow night. 🎶
AstoriaMusicFestival (@astoriamusfest) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hi Everyone! We’re back! Our Young Artists this year debuting their first offering in a recital series! Join us at Peace Lutheran Church Astoria, OR tomorrow at 1pm! And get ready for Gianni Schicchi June 27th and 28th, 7pm at the PAC in Astoria #AMF2019

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Next up in our recital series, Wednesday, June 19th at Seaside Calvary Episcopal. Pay what you can $5 donation accepted. See you then! #AMF2019

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Catch our next recital at Cannon Beach Community Church tomorrow night (6/21) at 7pm. Tons of great new talent and the tremendous Allan Glassmn. Pay what you can at the door, $5-$10 donations accepted! #AMF2019

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Our Cascadia Composers ‘Made in Oregon’ concert comes to you live Tuesday night at the PAC at 7pm. Pay what you can at the dorr with a $10 dollar donation suggested at the door. Come experience some of the gifted composers from our incredible region #AMF2019

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Join us tonight for our Cascadia Composers Series starting at 7:30pm at the PAC in Astoria! Pay what you can! #AMF2019 #cascadiacomposers