Asia Armstrong (Haines) (@asiaarmstrong81) 's Twitter Profile
Asia Armstrong (Haines)


Research fellow - marine science - manta rays, spatial and behavioural ecology, conservation biology - nature lover - humanitarian - socialist - ally - she/her

ID: 877496753888534528

calendar_today21-06-2017 12:01:44

384 Tweet


837 Following

Melissa Staines (@melissa_staines) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Incredible week at Heron Island Research Station in the southern #GBR 🐠💙 We sighted this 3m wide female reef manta and sent images to Project Manta. Asia Armstrong (Haines) told us she was a new individual and #1514 in the database. We named her 'Cali' to commemorate the UC students we taught on the trip.

Asia Armstrong (Haines) (@asiaarmstrong81) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Population stock estimates for black jewfish in QLD are between 56-70% - one of the few good news stories in QLD fisheries #SamWilliams #ASFB2022

Population stock estimates for black jewfish in QLD are between 56-70% - one of the few good news stories in QLD fisheries #SamWilliams #ASFB2022
Asia Armstrong (Haines) (@asiaarmstrong81) 's Twitter Profile Photo

And that’s a wrap! Massive thanks to the #ASFB2022 organisers - what an awesome conference! Here we are getting into the “outrageous aquatic” theme!

And that’s a wrap! Massive thanks to the #ASFB2022 organisers - what an awesome conference! Here we are getting into the “outrageous aquatic” theme!
Asia Armstrong (Haines) (@asiaarmstrong81) 's Twitter Profile Photo

8 billion people. It’s a tough number to wrap our heads around… So here is a comparison for scale: 8 million secs = approx 96 days 8 billion secs = approx 25 years #WorldPopulationClock

Hugh Possingham (@hugepossum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In 50 years time will our grandchildren thank us for a few rusty submarines or saving hundreds of species - koala, platypus, black-cockatoos, orchids? Australian spending on defence exceeds the resources needed to secure its dwindling biodiversity more than tenfold.

Asia Armstrong (Haines) (@asiaarmstrong81) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Turns out this paper was one of the top downloaded for its year 😎 Here it is again for those that missed it the first time around!…

Important Shark and Ray Areas - ISRAs (@sharkrayareas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Important Shark and Ray Areas project has released a regional compendium of Important Shark and Ray Areas in the Central and South American Pacific region- download it free here:…

The Important Shark and Ray Areas project has released a regional compendium of Important Shark and Ray Areas in the Central and South American Pacific region- download it free here:…
Important Shark and Ray Areas - ISRAs (@sharkrayareas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Meet our team! Ryan Charles 🦈 is a Research Assistant with the Important Shark and Ray Areas project. His favorite thing about working with us is being surrounded by passionate and knowledgeable people every day! Learn more about Ryan on our Facebook page:…

Meet our team! <a href="/ryancshark/">Ryan Charles 🦈</a> is a Research Assistant with the Important Shark and Ray Areas project. His favorite thing about working with us is being surrounded by passionate and knowledgeable people every day! 

Learn more about Ryan on our Facebook page:…
Important Shark and Ray Areas - ISRAs (@sharkrayareas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Meet our team! Asia Armstrong (Haines) Asia Armstrong is a Research Assistant with the Important Shark and Ray Areas project, where she helps with workshop planning and creating maps. Her favorite species is the reef manta ray, which inspired her to go into science!

Meet our team! <a href="/AsiaArmstrong81/">Asia Armstrong (Haines)</a> Asia Armstrong is a Research Assistant with the Important Shark and Ray Areas project, where she helps with workshop planning and creating maps.

Her favorite species is the reef manta ray, which inspired her to go into science!
Matthew Holden 🏳️‍🌈 (@matthholden) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How much will it cost to save biodiversity in Australia? Hugh Possingham says “the cost of 6 submarines” at UQ Centre for Biodiversity & Conservation Science panel on the price of neglect. Which would you rather have a protected continent full of #biodiversity or 6 submarines?

How much will it cost to save biodiversity in Australia? <a href="/HugePossum/">Hugh Possingham</a> says “the cost of 6 submarines” at <a href="/UQ_CBCS/">UQ Centre for Biodiversity & Conservation Science</a> panel on the price of neglect. Which would you rather have a protected continent full of #biodiversity or 6 submarines?
Angel Shark Project (@angelshark2014) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Angel Shark Project (ASP) family are proud to have supported the delineation of four Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRAs) and two Areas of Interest (AoI) in the Mediterranean 🦈🌍

The Angel Shark Project (ASP) family are proud to have supported the delineation of four Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRAs) and two Areas of Interest (AoI) in the Mediterranean 🦈🌍
Important Shark and Ray Areas - ISRAs (@sharkrayareas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Important Shark and Ray Areas from the Western Indian Ocean region have been added to our e-atlas! A compendium is coming soon. View our e-atlas: Learn more about us:

The Important Shark and Ray Areas from the Western Indian Ocean region have been added to our e-atlas! A compendium is coming soon.

View our e-atlas:

Learn more about us:
Charlie Huveneers (@huveneerssseg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hot off the press: What are the benefits of collaboration for acoustic tracking arrays? Queensland has drastically increased their acoustic coverage. Led by #AdamBarnett Biopixel…

Hot off the press: What are the benefits of collaboration for acoustic tracking arrays? Queensland has drastically increased their acoustic coverage. Led by #AdamBarnett <a href="/BiopixelTV/">Biopixel</a>…