i just seen a post about a “domme” that exposed a subs number on the timeline and told his family about findom, he made a post saying he was leaving findom and she is still blackmailing him for more money…
ive been in this community for quite a while now and all i have to say
A „domme“ where I just commented harmelss on some random post, has all the serious energy and lack of hobby to block me on 2 of her accounts, and insult me, on both of these accounts for no reason💀😂. Interesting way to fish for sends. And I even was right with that comment.
Disgusting If I think about that I just made my university in germany and how stressful it was, and how glad I am. You really don’t have to do that. But no wonder, with you, with someone who mocks Jesus and faith in public
On this day that you unempathetic toxic arrogant wannabe domme write that horrible hurtful comment, an average of about 2 men have committed suicide, as everyday. As someone whose nights often end in tears and insomnia, I'm just speechless..
What must be happening to turn into such a disgusting person. Cheating on a person who trusts u, spending his money, which causes him to become depressed and cause him to lose his job, which is why u leave him and call him a loser cause of it. U don’t deserve bf, nor a single 💸
Comes from a person, which wants to make the wounded, broken souls who are submissive and struggling w depression know that they’re not worth loving, that they’re really worthless and much more. To not care, to be like u, don’t make u a more powerful brat, but a disgusting person
⚠️Thats not just normal degradation content, that’s not domming anymore. Thats straight up mental abuse, and disgusting behavior. Do u know how much words like that can damage a person.Just imagine a men saying this to women, u know how ya'll would react.
Yes, very hot when someones babys/someones parents being murdered.When soldiers deliberately send attack dogs to attack a disabled boy who mauls him in front of his mother.When children cry while holding their dead parents' clothes in their hands. If I could say what I think..🤢
Such a disgusting thing to say🤢. Imagine u are a submissive and have been kinkshaimed often and very hard in the worst ways, by dommes too ironically. U have insecurities, self-hatred, it was just a pain. And then u read that.. From a domme even. Says a lot about her character.
Then why you show your feet, for people who like it? If you kinkshame and are disgusted by this preference so much? This hypocrisy is so pathetic😂. These wannabe dommes are hilarious.
Am I right or am I right? Her last reply to my last comment was like: "Mmhmm keep justifying - not worth my effort to reply back Arthur." Excuse me😂. You are the one trying to justify kinkshaming on own subs as a domme with similar kinks too🥴.
Thats not a war it’s one sided slaughter.
And no!! No! No! Cause y'all pro Israel people always say the same things "but the hamas" and "hostages" like robots who don’t know more. No, the terrible acts of hamas dosen't justify the crimes of idf soldiers I've mentioned.
And calling it antisemitism that I criticize that babys and children are being bombed, and far more inhumane crimes. How dare you! Thats so gross 🤢. What has being against the most cruel things a human can do(things of idf) to do with hatred against jews?! Zionists dommes ewww
How is it? Being friends with a Domme who sexualizes suicide, who pushes her subs to commit suicide and says she would laugh if her subs took their own lives? How can you look in the mirror? You both need to be punished and get out of findom as you both don’t deserve a dime
Oh, I understand, if you don't know how femdom works and you're still new, it can occasionally happen that you motivate people to kill themselves and to enjoy it. It can happen, mean if you are still inexperienced 🤷🏽♂️ Totally normal. Thanks for the clarification
So that's how far we got. This is what the concept and idea of creating a dynamic between submissive men and dominant women became. To behave like that. Imagine if the roles were reversed. This all has to stop, they need to be consequences.
Eww, 🤢.I always want to call out injustice of femdom that causes harm. Always said some girls here just use femdom as an outlet for their hate, bitterness etc. towards subs, men whatever. But now they admit it of their own. Thx for that. (It’s not ok for black/asian dommes too)
Guys, look a woman who calls herself domme but has something against an entire group of people the same people who she lives out findom, and interact with .🤢If she hates them she could just don’t do it. "soft domme ౨ৎ " Haha No, you are a domme with problematic attitudes😅
"The men paid a domme, without his wife knowing it it’s his fault🤬"
Same woman bout a domme enjoying and show off that a marriage has broken down: "omg this is amazing😭" Y'all always blaming subs as they’re grown men but the thing is, why y'all enjoy it too. Disgusting sickos