Adrià Roset Altadill
MD, Radiologist 🫀🫁🧠 at @htrueta @idi_cat @AreaHjt | EDiR by @EBRadiology
ID: 493375972
15-02-2012 18:50:12
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#16 Coronary Cameral Fistula🫀 Ramus intermedius (RI) fistula (✳️) to LV & RCA ➡️LV less commonly involved chamber (RV>RA>LA>LV) ➡️Leads to left-to-left shunt with ↑ volume & pressure causing LV hypertrophy Case courtesy of Noemí Cañete #radiology #radres #cvrad #yesCCT #FOAMrad

Epicardial Space: Comprehensive Anatomy and Spectrum of Disease Roset-Altadill A et al. Cardiac Imaging doi.org/10.1148/rg.230… Adrià Roset Altadill Blanca Domenech-Ximenos Noemí Cañete Daniel Vargas, MD Àrea Imatge Cardiotoràcica IDI Girona Hospital Trueta #RGphx 4/12

¿Quieres saber de qué se trata el caso de la portada? Descúbrelo aquí 👉 sciencedirect.com/science/articl… Noemí Cañete Toràcica Trueta

A broad spectrum of lesions can be found in the epicardial space. Due to the nonspecific onset of signs and symptoms, the clinical history of a patient can play a crucial role in diagnosis. Do you know what to look for? bit.ly/3J3q7lz Adrià Roset Altadill Blanca Domenech-Ximenos

Mañana empieza #SERAM2024 y desde la vocalía de Biotecnología empezamos con un plato fuerte! Como nos puede ayudar la tecnología en el día a día del radiólogo! No os lo perdáis Residentes SERAM ! Mario Matute Rafael Salvador Francisco Sendra Ivan Vollmer Eliseo Vañó

#SERAM2024 empezó hoy! Excelentes sesiones sobre como optimizar la tarea del radiólogo en su día a día Adrià Roset Altadill Carlos F Muñoz Ivan Vollmer Rafael Salvador Residentes SERAM #radiology

Nice podcast summarizing our review article on the Epicardial Space! Available now for you to listen! Jonathan Revels DO, FSAR Adrià Roset Altadill Blanca Domenech-Ximenos Noemí Cañete Àrea Imatge Cardiotoràcica IDI Girona Hospital Trueta RadioGraphics RadioGraphics_Editor

And just one year later, we have doubled the number to 6⃣0⃣ cases! Congratulations to our excellent trainee team Joan Perelló Garcia Eva Giménez Laura MR (and others without X) 👏 You can check the cases on the link below👇We keep learning thanks to Radiopaedia.org🌏

How does recreational drug abuse affect the heart and lung? What's the role of #radiology? Adrià Roset Altadill, Dr Monika Radikė (Aržanauskaitė) 🇱🇹🇺🇦🌻 & Dr Dennis Wat address these questions in a new #EJR article. buff.ly/3y2tTtN #cardiopulmonary @EJR_official Elsevier Radiology ESTI

Answer: Metastatic Pulmonary Calcifications Learn more: 🔗pubs.rsna.org/doi/epdf/10.11… 🔗pubs.rsna.org/doi/full/10.11… #CookyBites #178 #RGphx Cooky Menias RadioGraphics