Arturo (@argamax89) 's Twitter Profile


Open Science, Movies and nerd stuff mostly. Regional Engagement Specialist Latin America at @DataCite / ENG and SPA | Views my own

ID: 131368505

calendar_today10-04-2010 02:19:52

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Science of Science (@mishateplitskiy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Some evidence for what everyone suspected: (Some) authors don't want to share data because they don't want people to see how the sausage was made…

Some evidence for what everyone suspected:
(Some) authors don't want to share data because they don't want people to see how the sausage was made…
Denise Dresser (@denisedresserg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

El comunicado del Senado de México por el caso de Fernández Noroña es espeluznante. Primero porque el Senado se asume como un órgano del partido en el gobierno, sin representación de otras fuerzas políticas votadas. Segundo porque manda el mensaje de que el Poder Legislativo

El comunicado del <a href="/senadomexicano/">Senado de México</a> por el caso de Fernández Noroña es espeluznante. 

Primero porque el Senado se asume como un órgano del partido en el gobierno, sin representación de otras fuerzas políticas votadas.
Segundo porque manda el mensaje de que el Poder Legislativo
Dominique Babini (@dominiquebabini) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Take part in this UNESCO global survey to help shape a global collaborative framework for Diamond Open Access, which in Latin America we call non-commercial open access, it does not charge for reading or publishing in open access. Estimated time: 30´

DataCite (@datacite) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Cody Ross, (DataCite's Product Manager) presents DataCite's new suggestions portal on GitHub. Feel free to submit ideas here:… #DataCite2024 #CommunityDriven #Productdevelopment #Feedback #OpenScience #OpenResearch #OpenInfrastructure

Cody Ross, (DataCite's Product Manager) presents DataCite's new suggestions portal on GitHub. Feel free to submit ideas here:… 
#DataCite2024 #CommunityDriven #Productdevelopment #Feedback #OpenScience #OpenResearch #OpenInfrastructure
Leiden Madtrics (@leidenmadtrics) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Last week, in the new Dutch National Budget, it was announced that funds for Open Science NL will be cut by half. In a new blog post, Ludo Waltman discusses why this matters. The text is available in Dutch and English👉…

Gabriela Siller Pagaza (@gabysillerp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hilo 🧵 de 20 datos económicos relevantes del sexenio de López Obrador. 1. Producto Interno Bruto. Este sexenio cerrará con un crecimiento acumulado de 4.94%, el menor desde el sexenio de Miguel de la Madrid. Sigue

Hilo 🧵 de 20 datos económicos relevantes del sexenio de López Obrador. 

1. Producto Interno Bruto. Este sexenio cerrará con un crecimiento acumulado de 4.94%, el menor desde el sexenio de Miguel de la Madrid. Sigue
Acceso Abierto UNR (@aa_unr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

VII Simposio de Revistas Científicas Red Sara Mesa #10 | Avanzando hacia la ciencia transparente: datos abiertos y revistas 🖥️ Modalidad virtual Transmisión:… Programa Inscripción… #accesoabiertounr #unr

Arturo (@argamax89) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Follow the VII Workshop on Data Science at USP - Universidade de São Paulo where we will talk about PIDs and data citation at… #DataCite2024

Gabriela Mejias ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@gabioshka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📣🤩Join us on Nov 11 for #DataCiteConnect24 co-located with the Research Data Alliance (RDA) 23rd Plenary in Costa Rica! Together we'll discuss #PIDs, #FAIRdata, #metadata best practices and more💬… UCR TEC Costa Rica UNACostaRica U. Técnica Nacional DataCite

📣🤩Join us on Nov 11 for #DataCiteConnect24 co-located with the <a href="/resdatall/">Research Data Alliance (RDA)</a> 23rd Plenary in Costa Rica! Together we'll discuss #PIDs, #FAIRdata, #metadata best practices and more💬…
<a href="/UniversidadCR/">UCR</a> <a href="/Teccr/">TEC Costa Rica</a> <a href="/comunidadUNACR/">UNACostaRica</a> <a href="/UTNCostaRica/">U. Técnica Nacional</a> <a href="/DataCite/">DataCite</a>
cOAlition S (@coalitions_oa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

.cOAlition S announces the release of a study on the impact of #Plan_S, 5 years post-launch: ✍️… Conducted by ./scidecode science consulting, the study highlights how Plan S has opened new paths to full, immediate #OpenAccess. Read more: ➡️… #ScholComm

.<a href="/cOAlitionS_OA/">cOAlition S</a> announces the release of a study on the impact of #Plan_S, 5 years post-launch: 
Conducted by <a href="/scidecode/">./scidecode science consulting</a>, the study highlights how Plan S has opened new paths to full, immediate #OpenAccess. Read more: ➡️…
FAIR-IMPACT (@fairimpact_eu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How #PIDs should be used in the longterm to support #openscience & their usage in #EOSC? What are needs of different communities? What business model should be adopted to sustain them? Mecanisms from #science & #datamanagement institutions are needed to transfer value to sector

How #PIDs should be used in the longterm to support #openscience   &amp; their usage in #EOSC?
What are needs of different communities?
What business model should be adopted to sustain them? Mecanisms from #science &amp; #datamanagement institutions are needed to transfer value to sector
DataCite (@datacite) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you for the great feedback we received on the proposed DataCite #Metadata Schema changes. We're extending the deadline for the Request for Comments until 1 November so that you can provide feedback and invite others to do so:… #CommunityDriven

PREreview (@prereview_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join us PREreview & JMIR Publications this #OAWeek in a virtual #LiveReview this Friday Oct 25th at 16:00 UTC to provide constructive feedback to this medRxiv:… Register here:… #reviewtogether #LiveReview #openpeerreview

Join us <a href="/PREreview_/">PREreview</a> &amp; <a href="/jmirpub/">JMIR Publications</a> this #OAWeek in a virtual #LiveReview this Friday Oct 25th at 16:00 UTC to provide constructive feedback to this <a href="/medrxivpreprint/">medRxiv</a>:…
Register here:…

#reviewtogether #LiveReview #openpeerreview
DataCite (@datacite) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Less than 3 weeks to sign up for our DataCite Connect in-person event co-located with the 23rd #RDA Plenary Meeting in San José, Costa Rica. We’ll discuss how PIDs can improve research workflows, with a special focus on the #FAIR principles & #metadata.👇…

Less than 3 weeks to sign up for our DataCite Connect in-person event co-located with the 23rd #RDA Plenary Meeting in San José, Costa Rica. 
We’ll discuss how PIDs can improve research workflows, with a special focus on the #FAIR principles &amp; #metadata.👇…
Trevor Mundel (@trevormundel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hi everyone! This is Ivonne Lujano, Open Access activist & DOAJ ambassador. I'm taking over Trevor’s LinkedIn in honor of International Open Access Week. Head over to learn more about my work and the role of Open Access policies in research. #OAWeek

Hi everyone! This is <a href="/ivonnelujano/">Ivonne Lujano</a>, Open Access activist &amp; <a href="/DOAJplus/">DOAJ</a> ambassador. I'm taking over Trevor’s LinkedIn in honor of International Open Access Week. Head over to learn more about my work and the role of Open Access policies in research. #OAWeek