ArckensLab (@arckenslab) 's Twitter Profile


Research group Neuroplasticity and Neuroproteomics, led by Prof. Dr. Lut Arckens at the KU Leuven

ID: 1242961233495687168

link calendar_today25-03-2020 23:47:20

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172 Following

Brunet Lab (@brunetlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Very excited to share 3 protocols for the killifish! 🐟 Husbandry… Breeding… Lifespan… Congrats to Claire Bedbrook, Jingxun Chen, Ravi Nath, Rahul, Rishad, and Rogelio! Awesome painting by Rogelio Barajas!

Very excited to share 3 protocols for the killifish! 🐟




Congrats to <a href="/clairebedbrook/">Claire Bedbrook</a>, <a href="/JingxunC/">Jingxun Chen</a>, <a href="/Ravi__Nath/">Ravi Nath</a>, Rahul, Rishad, and Rogelio!

Awesome painting by Rogelio Barajas!
Annelies Van Dyck (@vandyckannelies) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thrilled to announce the publication of my study in Frontiers - Neuroscience! We successfully established the first adult #zebrafish retinal culture in a microfluidic device to investigate dendritic and mitochondrial changes during spontaneous axonal regeneration.…

Thrilled to announce the publication of my study in <a href="/FrontNeurosci/">Frontiers - Neuroscience</a>!

We successfully established the first adult #zebrafish retinal culture in a microfluidic device to investigate dendritic and mitochondrial changes during spontaneous axonal regeneration.…
ArckensLab (@arckenslab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Are we ready to shortly rejuvenate aged brains so we can restore age-related neuron loss? Find the answer --> new publication: 👀🐟 #killifish #aging #neuroplasticity #proteomics #senolytics KU Leuven Research Leuven Brain Institute SeuntjensLab FWO

ArckensLab (@arckenslab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Newsflash! Getting rid of senescent cells increases the plasticity of the aged brain after injury (in Dutch, sorry)! Based on our latest publication: 👉… Leuven Brain Institute SeuntjensLab #fightaging #regeneration #killifish #rejuvenation

ArckensLab (@arckenslab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The PhD cup has started and our very own neurobiologist, Jolien Van houcke, is selected!… #killfish #neurodegeneration #aging We thank the Killifish consortium for supporting Jolien! MoonsLab SeuntjensLab @DeGroefLab Biology | KU Leuven Leuven Brain Institute

ArckensLab (@arckenslab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Vote for Jolien! She will proudly represent biology in the finale of #PhDCup on healthy brain aging🏆. Vote here: Thanks to SciMingo Eos Wetenschap vzw Radio 1 FWO Leuven Brain Institute KU Leuven SeuntjensLab MoonsLab…

SciMingo (@scimingo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Jolien Van houcke KU Leuven @fwovlaanderen is één van de finalisten van de Vlaamse #PhDCup 🏆 In aanloop naar de finale op 19 okt stellen de 8 finalisten hun #onderzoek voor in 90 seconden. Wie krijgt jouw stem? 👉 #biologie #killivis #brein

Leuven Brain Institute (@leuvenbrainins1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Op 19 oktober strijden 8 jonge wetenschappers voor de Vlaamse PhD Cup. In aanloop naar de finale leggen ze hun jarenlange doctoraatsonderzoek uit in een pitch van 90 seconden 🏆 Stem nu op LBI lid Jolien Van houcke voor de publieksprijs Biology | KU Leuven🐟…

ArckensLab (@arckenslab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our postdoc Jolien Van houcke has been selected for the PhD cup finale. Today is your last chance to vote for the audience award. Pls show your support for her awesome research on healthy aging & vote via link below ❤️👇🏻 Biology | KU Leuven Leuven Brain Institute

FWO (@fwovlaanderen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

FWO-postdoc Marie DeCock Universiteit Hasselt wint de juryprijs van Vlaamse #PhDCup SciMingo. Jolien Van Houcke KU Leuven en Clara Leyns UGent vervolledigen het podium. Proficiat aan alle finalisten met hun schitterende pitches!

FWO-postdoc <a href="/MarieJPDeCock/">Marie DeCock</a> <a href="/uhasselt/">Universiteit Hasselt</a> wint de juryprijs van Vlaamse #PhDCup <a href="/SciMingo/">SciMingo</a>. Jolien Van Houcke <a href="/KU_Leuven/">KU Leuven</a> en <a href="/ClaraLeyns/">Clara Leyns</a> <a href="/ugent/">UGent</a> vervolledigen het podium. Proficiat aan alle finalisten met hun schitterende pitches!
ArckensLab (@arckenslab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our postdoc went home with the silver award 🥈 of the Flemish PhD Cup competition 2023. Did you just finish your PhD? Take your chance, register now !🏆 Blog writing, camera and interview training, stage performance and more! You will learn it all during the PhD Cup. SciMingo

ArckensLab (@arckenslab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

For years we have been questioning the progenitor patterning of the killifish pallium, but antibodies don't always work. Luckily, Caroline Zandecki from the SeuntjensLab pioneered with beautiful HCR work to map progenitors during development. See preprint👉…