Archives of Medical Science (AMS) (@archmedsci) 's Twitter Profile
Archives of Medical Science (AMS)


Welcome to AMS, one of the CEE's leading medical journals (Q1). IF2023 is 3.00, IF 5-year: 3.20. CiteScore 2023 is 4.9. Editor in Chief: @maciejbanach

ID: 4765241233

link calendar_today15-01-2016 23:16:50

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Maciej Banach (@maciejbanach) 's Twitter Profile Photo

From the 4/2024 issue of Archives of Medical Science (AMS): The #education process for #pharmacists in Poland: #standards and proposed changes. Dr Piotr Merks 👏…

Maciej Banach (@maciejbanach) 's Twitter Profile Photo

From the 4/2024 issue of the Archives of Medical Science (AMS): #Lipoprotein(a) and its impact on #cardiovascular #disease – the Polish perspective: design and first results of the Zabrze-Lipoprotein(a) #Registry #LIPaR…

Maciej Banach (@maciejbanach) 's Twitter Profile Photo

From 4/2024 #AMS issue: #Prevalence of #polypharmacy in the #older adult population within #primarycare in Portugal: a nationwide cross-sectional study. Polypharmacy (≥ 5 drugs) was present in 77% of the sample!…

Archives of Medical Science (AMS) (@archmedsci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

From 4/2024 #AMS issue: #Diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome #IBS as a masquerade for systemic #mastocytosis: review article and illustrating case report.…

Archives of Medical Science (AMS) (@archmedsci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

From 4/2024 #AMS issue: #Nomogram for predicting #reflux #esophagitis with routine #metabolic parameters: a retrospective study.…

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From 4/2024 #AMS issue: Prognostic value of #lung ultrasonography and bioimpedance spectroscopy in #patients with #heartfailure and reduced ejection fraction #FHrEF…

Archives of Medical Science (AMS) (@archmedsci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

From 4/2024 #AMS issue: #Insulin-like growth factor type 2 is a better survival marker than insulin-like growth factor type 1 in #patients after acute decompensated #heartfailure.…

Archives of Medical Science (AMS) (@archmedsci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

From 4/2024 #AMS issue: Systemic immune-inflammation index values are associated with #nonmelanoma skin #cancers: evidence from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey #NHANES 2010–2018.…

Maciej Banach (@maciejbanach) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our paper on #LPA #prevalence and patients' characteristics in the Polish very high #risk #patients from the LIP(a)R study is a cover paper of the Archives of Medical Science (AMS) 🙃🥰 Once again congratulations to all co-authors💪

Our paper on #LPA #prevalence and patients' characteristics in the Polish very high #risk #patients from the LIP(a)R study is a cover paper of the <a href="/ArchMedSci/">Archives of Medical Science (AMS)</a> 🙃🥰

Once again congratulations to all co-authors💪
Maciej Banach (@maciejbanach) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today we celebrate👉#FHAwarenessDay‼️, during which we should talk about the #disease, necessity of its early #diagnosis, suitable effective #management and how to prevent #ASCVD #complications. I would like to share with you our recent data from the PMMHRI-FH Registry

Today we celebrate👉#FHAwarenessDay‼️, during which we should talk about the #disease, necessity of its early #diagnosis, suitable effective #management and how to prevent #ASCVD #complications. 

I would like to share with you our recent data from the PMMHRI-FH Registry
Archives of Medical Science (AMS) (@archmedsci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The most frequent Polish ATM mutations are not susceptibility factors for tobacco-related cancers…

Archives of Medical Science (AMS) (@archmedsci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Urate crystal deposition in hyperuricemic children: a dual energy computed tomography study…

Archives of Medical Science (AMS) (@archmedsci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Pure purr virtual reality technology: measuring heart rate variability and anxiety levels in healthy volunteers affected by moderate stress…

Archives of Medical Science (AMS) (@archmedsci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A comparative study on ultrasound-guided elite, Mammotome, and core needle biopsy for diagnosing malignant breast masses…

Archives of Medical Science (AMS) (@archmedsci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Changes in the extracellular matrix of the clitoris caused by aging: a stereological and comparative study…