Vicki Ridley (@vickiridley1) 's Twitter Profile
Vicki Ridley


Senior Development Worker @YouthlinkScot: youth work & violence prevention |
Writer✍️ Trainer🖇 Lifelong Learner🎓

ID: 875391906

calendar_today12-10-2012 10:58:10

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Vicki Ridley (@vickiridley1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Perfect end to a series of Imagine a Man sessions in Dundee. Historic ref to the kettle bilers - men who kept house while the lasses worked in the jute mills. Art and creativity! 🫶⁦ScrapAntics CIC⁩ #PositiveMasculinity

Perfect end to a series of Imagine a Man sessions in Dundee. Historic ref to the kettle bilers - men who kept house while the lasses worked in the jute mills. Art and creativity! 🫶⁦<a href="/scrapantics/">ScrapAntics CIC</a>⁩ #PositiveMasculinity
Vicki Ridley (@vickiridley1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What a fantastic day’s learning ⁦Planet Youth in Scotland⁩ with support for both youth work ⁦YouthLink Scotland⁩ and violence prevention ⁦No Knives, Better Lives⁩. 🙏 for the invite and lovely 🎁 Train home now #book #chocolates

What a fantastic day’s learning ⁦<a href="/planetyouthscot/">Planet Youth in Scotland</a>⁩ with support for both youth work ⁦<a href="/YouthLinkScot/">YouthLink Scotland</a>⁩ and violence prevention ⁦<a href="/NKBLScotland/">No Knives, Better Lives</a>⁩. 🙏 for the invite and lovely 🎁 Train home now #book #chocolates
Iain Corbett 💜 (@iaincorbett88) 's Twitter Profile Photo

absolute pleasure working with these young men, exploring masculinities and designing workshops that myself and the CYCJ Scotland team will roll out across schools in the new academic year 🙌🏼👌🏼 If you are a school and would be interested in getting involved then pop me a DM 🙌🏼♥️

No Knives, Better Lives (@nkblscotland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We fully agree with NeilMackay about #PositiveMasculinity. We've been working with boys and young men since 2021 to reframe the narrative on harmful masculinity. Labelling young men as 'toxic' is not supported by a child rights-based approach and our evidence backs this up.

No Knives, Better Lives (@nkblscotland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

WHAT WE NEED TO DO ↪️Re-frame the narrative 👍Talk up #PositiveMasculinity ❤️Teach #PositiveMasculinity 🧔Model #PositiveMasculinity


↪️Re-frame the narrative
👍Talk up #PositiveMasculinity
❤️Teach #PositiveMasculinity
🧔Model #PositiveMasculinity
Vicki Ridley (@vickiridley1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Looking forward to speaking at this fantastic event. Sharing the platform with some great folk Iain Corbett 💜 Fun fact - a symposium is a Greek drinking party.

No Knives, Better Lives (@nkblscotland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📖The story of The Lassies are No Feart About 18 mnths ago, we started getting requests from practitioners for resources specifically targeted at preventing violence between girls. We had to admit our work up until then had been focused on boys & young men 🧵1/9 #LassiesNoFeart

Community Education, University of Dundee (@uodcommed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's going to take a while to unpick all the challenging and stimulating thoughts from yesterday's event - a massive THANK YOU to absolutely everyone who contributed in different ways 🙌 Here's some helpful doodles from Charis Robertson: #DundeeCW24 #BecauseofCLD

It's going to take a while to unpick all the challenging and stimulating thoughts from yesterday's event - a massive THANK YOU to absolutely everyone who contributed in different ways 🙌
Here's some helpful doodles from Charis Robertson: 
#DundeeCW24 #BecauseofCLD
Iain Corbett 💜 (@iaincorbett88) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Good today at Scot Parl for CPG in Children and Young People exploring masculinities and steps towards culture shift✊🏼 Good to see the dream team of Vicki Ridley Amy Calder Emily Beever Jenni Snell bekah and Emma Davidson♥️ Here we are all crammed in a lift😂🤷🏽‍♂️

Good today at Scot Parl for CPG in Children and Young People exploring masculinities and steps towards culture shift✊🏼

Good to see the dream team of <a href="/VickiRidley1/">Vicki Ridley</a> <a href="/AmyECalder/">Amy Calder</a> <a href="/EmilyBeever/">Emily Beever</a> <a href="/Jenni_Snell1/">Jenni Snell</a> <a href="/wenyingggggg/">bekah</a> and Emma Davidson♥️

Here we are all crammed in a lift😂🤷🏽‍♂️
No Knives, Better Lives (@nkblscotland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

FREE Online Training! Our 3 x hour E-Learning online course on how to build positive masculinity with young people, is now fully accredited. This training is suitable for: 😎Youth workers 🎓Teachers 👮‍♀️Police 😘Violence Prevention Workers 💪Health practitioners

FREE Online Training! 

Our 3 x hour E-Learning online course on how to build positive masculinity with young people, is now fully accredited. This training is suitable for:

😎Youth workers
😘Violence Prevention Workers
💪Health practitioners
Vicki Ridley (@vickiridley1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Early 70s Ice Cream van in Vans & Pickups on CINEMOTO - Vehicle Supply - Film & TV. This was my one…