Neil Phillips
Environmental educator, Wildlife Photographer + Naturalist. Talks ---All opinions my own --- My Freshwater related stuff now at @PondManUK
@ukwildlifepod cohost
ID: 22522578 02-03-2009 19:22:37
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Neil Phillips Fantastic photo. My local site which supports almost 1500 invertebrates is under threat from 1000 houses. Please sign the Buglife petition to save this site. Defend the wildlife of Middlewick Ranges | 38 Degrees
Some shots of (increasingly less) rare Lesser Emperor Dragonfly I got last month. I just published a video about how I got them and photographed other dragonflies in flight you can watch here: British Dragonfly Society OM Digital Solutions Insect Week AES - Royal Entomological Society
Southern Migrant Hawker Close up in flight I made a video about how I got them and photographed other dragonflies in flight you can watch here:… British Dragonfly Society NorfolkPondsProject Freshwater Habitats Trust Freshwater Biological Association (FBA) OM Digital Solutions Essex Wildlife Trust BBC Essex
Something is going very, very wrong with woodland ride management by Forestry England in East Kent. The last few days have seen miles of rides full of flowers in FC owned blocks of Orlestone Forest SSSI shorn down to billiard table length like this.
Filming at a Hornets nest yesterday, I kept seeing the fly hanging round the entrance. I suspect its just Common Housefly Fannia canicularis? Sorry for poor camera work, it kept appearing when I was focusing on something else! Dr Erica McAlister Steven Falk Richard Jones
Just saw a post on the Weald to Waves project on Linkedin about a feasibility study on Red Backed Shrike reintroduction, which reminded me of this one that stopped off in Essex for a few day + one foggy morning dived into the hedge and came out with this Migrant Hawker Dragonfly!
Help needed: Daddy Longlegs Spider, Pholcus phalangioides, survey! UoN Life Sciences @ArachNottsMasters student, Ellie Clifton, would really appreciate your help with her short questionnaire on this species in your home. Find it at Please RT
Mrs WJ spent time the other day watching the ants farming their aphids along #DiggerAlley RSPB Minsmere 🌍 It wasn't long before a little (I think) Pemphredon lugubris (Mourning Black Wasp) came along to spoil their day though! RSPB England RSPB
Raft Spider carrying her egg cocoon in her fangs. In my latest video, I talk all about these fantastic arachnids Watch it here: BAS Nottingham SpiderLab AES - SuffolkWildlifeTrust Sussex Wildlife Trust 🦔 RSPB Arne and Weymouth Wetlands Insect Week George McGavin Iolo Williams