Simone De Liberato
Professor of quantum nanophotonics @unisouthampton, senior researcher @CNR_IFN, serial entrepreneur.
ID: 781881204 26-08-2012 06:56:12
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Gli emendamenti presentati da Daniela Torto e toni ricciardi al Milleproroghe sui lavoratori impatriati correggono il testo del Governo che non ha nemmeno recepito le raccomandazioni delle Commissioni - reintrodurre la logica del radicamento per non tornare indietro di 10 anni
Simone De Liberato on #light and #quantummaterials for #ScienceColloquia at #DFA on March 12 #SaveTheDate ✨Simone De Liberato University of Southampton CNR - IFN… Questi trend si invertono con politiche coerenti e stabili nel tempo. Uccidere le norme sul rientro del capitale umano e sul radicamento permanente sarà ricordato come un errore strategico Giulio Centemero Tommaso Foti
Wake up Europe, the digital age is bypassing you. You have no Google , Amazon, Meta, Apple. You arrogantly called SpaceX a fanciful dream and it wiped out the European Space Agency. You have no Nvidia and your response to AI has been to regulate before you have anything domestic
Wow, since a brief tweet by Thomas Talhelm to promote our APS symposium gathered well over a million views in a day, I thought I’d respond to a few questions and comments about the task & the graph, both of which are a part of my PhD dissertation:
I will be at MUTEK Montréal for the Mutek Forum from aug 20th, looking forward to sharing the projects I’ve been relentlessly working on for the past year